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September 18th, 2023

Important lessons from Autumn Term


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


September 18th, 2023

Important lessons from Autumn Term


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

The first term at LSE was packed with learnings for me. What they say about your time at LSE is true, it flies by. The term started with me trying to adjust to the way the lectures and seminars were conducted and trying to keep up with the reading lists for each module. Soon after the formative essays started pouring in and not long after were the summative essay deadlines. All this chaos did teach me a lot though.

Here are some lessons I learned from my first term at LSE:

Learn to manage time

While for many this might seem obvious but work really does pile up once term starts. All your readings and assignments for each of your modules are due at around the same time and it pushes you to manage your time better. Allocate a certain amount of time every day for each of your modules depending on the amount of work required. Also make sure to keep time out for relaxing, working out, cooking and doing something outside of studying. If you learn to manage your time quickly, the first term will be much smoother for you than it was for me.

Start your assignments early

This also might be obvious to many but it’s important you start your assignments early. Almost every module you’re taking will have the formative and summative assignments listed on the course Moodle page, make use of the information being available so in advance and start preparing early. Start thinking about the topics that appeal to you and conduct some preliminary research instead of trying to churn out an essay over a weekend. You’ll find that spreading your work out over a few weeks will be much easier for you to do than panicking and writing an essay in a few hours.

Make use of LSE LIFE

LSE LIFE is a great resource centre for students to make use of whether it’s for help with an essay or to tackle your readings effectively. As someone who had taken a break before returning back to academia to pursue a master’s degree, it helped me to get advice on how to better structure my essays, plan for my dissertation and prioritise the readings for each of my modules. If you’re struggling with something, don’t hesitate to make use of LSE LIFE and the wonderful resources that are available to you.

I learned a lot of valuable skills in my first term at LSE. I learned the importance of being proactive and inculcating better planning in my life. The first term goes by so fast but the winter break is a great time to look back and incorporate the lessons for the second term so that you can maximize your learnings at LSE.

About the author


Hi, I’m Lavanya and I’m studying MSc Public Policy and Administration at LSE.

Posted In: Student life

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