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June 14th, 2024

How to decompress after exams


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


June 14th, 2024

How to decompress after exams


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Exam season can take a huge toll on us, from the lack of sleep and last-minute studying to the tears poured in wishing we had started earlier (totally not speaking from personal experience). Regardless of how exam season went for you, it’s over! Studies have even shown that psychological stress in university students is a major health concern, so it’s very important to take time to unwind after the exam season. If you need any ideas, here are a few ways I like to decompress:


Rewarding myself with something I love

After taking some hard exams, regardless of whether I feel confident or not, I make sure to give myself praise for doing my best. My favourite way to reward myself is to buy ice cream from Sainsbury’s and watch a movie in my room. If I worked really hard, sometimes I’ll let myself go to the movie theatre and buy a huge bucket of popcorn. Even if you aren’t as big of an ice cream or movie geek as I am, treating yourself is always a great way to relieve stress.

Going for a walk without a plan

When you’re crouched over your lecture slides and notes trying to revise an entire term in a few weeks, you might be like me and feel like a vampire seeing daylight after exams. I love to become human again by leaving my room with no plan and walking as far as I can. Remember, you’re living in one of the largest cities in the world! Walking without a plan can help remind yourself that there’s more to your student life than your room and books. For me, walking around London reinvigorates my want to study, so I can be a greater part of the city soon.

Reading a book

When I’m revising for exams or papers, I’m exclusively on my laptop skimming through lists and lists of eBooks. I love going to a bookstore like Waterstones to just read a real, physical book. Whether you’re into fantasy or philosophy, I find that reading a real book outside of your regularly allocated reading list helps clear and relax your mind. It also gives your eyes a well-needed break 🙂

Cleaning my room

I know, this one sounds a little bit odd, but during exam season, I fall into the trap of taking as little care about my room as I take care of myself. For me, it can be therapeutic to put on some music and clean away at a corner of my room I’ve let rot. I like the feeling of accomplishment from cleaning and immediate relief. I think cleaning or even reorganising can also be a great way to prep for the weeks ahead.


I’ve listed just a few of the ways I personally like to decompress after the exams. I need to recharge by being by myself, but I know plenty of my friends have more social elements in their post-exam routines. Regardless of how you like to decompress, make sure to do it! Remember to take of yourself to prevent burnout and continue to perform well.

About the author


Hi! My name is Esha and I'm a General Course student at LSE from George Washington University. I study Management and I'm interested in sustainability, history, and finance. In my free time I love watching films, reading, and museum-going.

Posted In: Study Abroad

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