Anat Pick/ Mark Post/ Adam Shriver
Listen to the recording here or on YouTube
Lab-grown meat promises a future of burgers, meatballs, and even foie gras, without the side order of animal suffering and environmental damage. But is fake meat a real solution to these problems? And will its success lead to the extinction of farm animals? If lab-grown meat is the ethical option, how can we persuade consumers to overcome their aversion to it? We discuss the science, ethics, and meaning of artificial meat.
Anat Pick
Reader in Film Studies, Queen Mary, University of London
Mark Post
Professor of Vascular Physiology, Maastricht University
Adam Shriver
Research Fellow, Oxford Uehiro Centre for Applied Ethics & Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities
Danielle Sands
Lecturer in Comparative Literature and Culture, Royal Holloway, University of London & Fellow, Forum for Philosophy
Recorded on 8 October 2018 at the LSE