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Forum for Philosophy

December 8th, 2021


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Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Forum for Philosophy

December 8th, 2021


0 comments | 8 shares

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Monica Vieira/ Rachel Muers/ Naomi Waltham-Smith


Listen to the recording here or on YouTube


We tend to view silence as the opposite of speech, but silence too can speak volumes. There is considerable interest in free speech, what about the ability to remain silent? Does silence have a particular value, and how can we achieve it in our busy, noisy world? Examining perspectives from across philosophy, religion, and political thought, we challenge our assumptions about silence, questioning its relation to thinking, and asking whether it might serve as a form of political resistance.


Monica Vieira
Professor of Political Theory, University of York
Rachel Muers
Professor of Theology, University of Leeds
Naomi Waltham-Smith
Reader in Philosophy, University of Warwick



Danielle Sands
Fellow, Forum for Philosophy & Senior Lecturer in Comparative Literature and Thought, RHUL


Recorded on 23 November 2021




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Forum for Philosophy

Science, politics, and culture from a philosophical point of view

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