The 2008 financial crisis gave rise to sustained criticism of capitalism as an economic system, with many of its advocates conceding that while an immoral system, it is also a ‘necessary evil’. Reflecting on the writings of Ayn Rand, Yaron Brook and Don Watkins reject this view, and instead argue that capitalism is a necessary good. They maintain that capitalism is the only social system that takes into account people’s rationality, enabling them to survive and prosper through self-interest.
Ayn Rand has been one of the greatest salesmen of capitalism in history, with total sales of her books approaching 30 million copies. What makes her so powerful? To put it simply: she knows how to tell the story of capitalism. Since capitalism arose during the nineteenth century, its critics have weaved a compelling story shaping the way we think about free enterprise. Capitalism, according to this story, is inherently immoral because the needy many receive no help from society, while the greedy few are allowed to exploit society. Well, if so then the solution is obvious: to limit and ideally eliminate capitalism.
You can see that story at work today. The financial crisis, we’re told, was the product of greedy bankers profiting at the expense of society. The solution? Regulate the greedy profit-seekers and redistribute their ill-gotten gains to those in need.
How have capitalism’s alleged champions responded to this story? By and large, they have conceded that capitalism is an inherently immoral system. Their story consists of the claim that it is a necessary evil. “You’re right,” they’ve told the critics, “capitalism does exploit the needy and reward the greedy. But unfortunately it works and socialism doesn’t, so while we need to limit capitalism, we mustn’t go too far.”
But if you concede that your position is a necessary evil, then in any specific battle, who is going to have the advantage? The person who is defending the necessary evil or the person who says, in this case the evil is unnecessary? Who will be seen as the noble idealists and who will be seen as cynical and self-serving? If capitalism is a necessary evil, then the critics are right: our goal should be to minimize it and ultimately put something superior in its place.
Ayn Rand argues that capitalism is a necessary good: It is the only social system in which human beings can survive, prosper, and enjoy their lives. The key to Rand’s approach is that she doesn’t jump right away to the question of what political policies we should adopt. As a philosopher, she starts by looking at what kinds of actions individual human beings have to take in order to flourish. Whether we’re irrigating a barren landscape in order to grow food, or designing iPhones, or starting a new biotech company, or launching satellites into space, our welfare, thinks Rand, comes down to three essentials:
- We have to think
- We have to produce
- We have to deal with others on mutually beneficial terms
This perspective has profound implications for social questions. As Rand explains:
Since knowledge, thinking, and rational action are properties of the individual, since the choice to exercise his rational faculty or not depends on the individual, man’s survival requires that those who think be free of the interference of those who don’t. Since men are neither omniscient nor infallible, they must be free to agree or disagree, to cooperate or to pursue their own independent course, each according to his own rational judgment. Freedom is the fundamental requirement of man’s mind.
That’s exactly what capitalism—complete, unregulated, uncontrolled laissez-faire capitalism—does. It is the system in which our rights to think, produce, and trade voluntarily are sacrosanct, and where the initiation of physical force is therefore barred.
Rand sees the moral superiority of capitalism as borne out in history and around the world. Whether you compare Soviet Russia to the United States, East Germany to West Germany, China to Hong Kong—government control over the individual crushes his ability to live and freedom for the individual is what opens up unlimited roads.
That is the real story of capitalism. It is not a system in which the helpless “needy” are exploited by the immoral “greedy.” It is the story Rand tells in Atlas Shrugged. Capitalism is a system in which each individual is free to flourish and prosper and deal harmoniously with others.
So why can’t the so-called defenders of capitalism tell that story? Because they hold many of the same basic ideas as capitalism’s critics.
Both sides see individuals as fundamentally helpless, and believe that to succeed, a person needs to submit to a higher authority. The left generally says that higher authority is the state or society, the right generally says it’s God or tradition, but both agree: by himself, the individual is incapable of running his own life and therefore cannot be fully free to live his own life.
Both sides also believe that the interests of individuals necessarily conflict, and that what benefits one person often harms another. Human life, they conclude, requires sacrifice. The government’s job is to decide what sacrifices are necessary in order to achieve “the public good.” The left and the right quibble over which those are, but both are united in agreeing that the freedom to pursue one’s interests has to lead to disaster.
These two ideas—that we are fundamentally dependent on society and that our interests clash—lead to a third idea that historically has been the chief cause of the view that capitalism is immoral: the idea that our primary moral duty is to be selfless. To focus on making the most of our own life is seen as morally wrong since, both sides hold, it means that we are benefiting at the expense of others and refusing to “give something back” by allowing them to benefit at our expense.
Every traditional “defense” of capitalism, Rand held, conceded this framework. Every argument that appealed to “the public good,” or which said capitalism’s chief aim was to help the “helpless poor,” or which shirked from acknowledging that the essence of capitalism was the individual’s pursuit of his own well-being proceeded from a philosophy that said: the individual couldn’t and shouldn’t be fully free to pursue his own happiness and that capitalism, therefore, was at best a necessary evil.
Rand’s great insight was that every element of this anti-capitalist framework came from the same error: ignoring and denying the mind. As rational creatures we are able to create the values our lives require by thinking and producing. Our basic interests then are in harmony with other people: to deal with one another through mutually beneficial cooperation and voluntary trade. Selflessness on this view is senseless. There is no reason on earth why each individual should not seek to make the most of his own life, without victimizing others or becoming a victim himself.
Rand put it this way:
The moral code which is implicit in capitalism had never been formulated explicitly. The basic premise of that code is that man—every man—is an end in himself, not the means to the end of others, that man must exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself, and that men must deal with one another as traders, by voluntary choice to mutual benefit. This, in essence, is the moral premise on which the United States of America was based: the principle of man’s right to his own life, to his own liberty, to the pursuit of his own happiness.
Yaron Brook will be speaking at the LSE public event, ‘Capitalism Without Guilt: the moral case for freedom’ on Monday, 28 October. Click here for more details.
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Note: This article gives the views of the authors, and not the position of USApp– American Politics and Policy, nor of the London School of Economics.
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Yaron Brook – Ayn Rand Institute
Yaron Brook is the executive director of the Ayn Rand Institute. He is a columnist at, and his articles have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Investor’s Business Daily, and many other publications. He is a frequent guest on national radio and television programmes and is a co-author of Neoconservatism: An Obituary for an Idea and a contributing author to Winning the Unwinnable War: America’s Self-Crippled Response to Islamic Totalitarianism. Dr. Brook is co-author with ARI fellow Don Watkins of the national best-seller Free Market Revolution: How Ayn Rand’s Ideas Can End Big Government. A former finance professor, he speaks internationally on such topics as the causes of the financial crisis, the morality of capitalism, ending the growth of the state, and U.S. foreign policy
Don Watkins – Ayn Rand Institute.
Mr. Watkins is a fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute and co-author, along with Yaron Brook, of the national bestseller Free Market Revolution: How Ayn Rand’s Ideas Can End Big Government. He is a columnist at and his op-eds have appeared in such venues as The Guardian, USA Today, and Forbes magazine.
Great commentary.
“There is no reason on earth why each individual should not seek to make the most of his own life, without victimizing others or becoming a victim himself.”
It seems self-evident, yet almost everyone acts as if there must be victims in human relationships. Witness the health care debates where we’re told that everyone must be forced to buy “insurance” (government programs, really) or it will hurt other people who won’t be able to afford insurance. Either your a victim or an exploiter, we’re told.
No one ever considers the possibility of true freedom in health care – a system where we don’t pit one person against another.
Capitalism is the political and economic system of victim-free living. Man’s life does not require sacrifice or victims.
Bravo, well done! 🙂 With more op-eds in similar vein, Randians can easily run countless circles around the Rand-smearing idiots on various other websites (AlterNet, Salon, Leiter Reports, etc.)
Thanks for the great article. There needs to be more people explaining the liberating force of capitalism. I have yet to see any mainstream media outlet in the UK endorse capitalism as a force for good.
The idea that capitalism is a necessary evil is more pronounced in the UK than the US. The Labour opposition party in the UK goes so far as to believe it is evil with plans to destroy what little we have if they win future elections. Trying to get people to understand the concept of capitalism is difficult when the government and media define it very differently.
The fact that capitalism is a requirement for individual freedom is a totally foreign concept to many.
If we define ‘capitalism’ as free enterprise, then America’s government-generated competitive business cycle is not capitalism. In a freely spontaneous exchange order, there are no corporations – corporations are creatures of the state and, as such, behave as bureaucratic and inefficient as their parent to whom they often turn to for help in the form of protective tariffs, regulations, bail-outs, and sometimes wars. Only government can intervene between human persons in a free market and say of one group of owners that they are no longer responsible for their market actions with others and that an artifical person – a corporation, will be responsible instead. The nineteenth century jurist Lysander Spooner, following Adam Smith before him, was highly critical of corporations long before the U.S. Supreme Court granted these artificial persons’ the rights of human persons guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights. Rand was unable to see that government AND THEIR CORPORATIONS are the problem, not the solution. America’s ‘corporative order’ is statism, not capitalism in the free marketeer’s sense of the term.
Seems to me that capitalism with its emphasis on the ‘individual’, overlooks the fact that humans are by nature ‘communal’ animals with a reliance on others. No one, certainly not one of Rand’s “rugged individuals” can manage to get along on his or her own. All the ‘liberty’ in the world is worthless if you’re alone. It would seem to follow that whatever system of government we decide upon must take the above into consideration and form around the concept of community or what’s best for all. The goal is ‘survival’ and the world is a very hostile environment for any specie attempting to go it alone..
Proponents of Ayn Rand’s teachings seem to forever ignore the context of her background that resulted in her way of thinking. They also ignore the actual results of the past decades of increasing capitalist policies, thinking that somehow if we do more of what we are already doing, the outcomes will change and the situation will improve, despite the current outcomes being a direct result of those policies.
The biggest flaw perhaps is the idea that if left to our own devices, humans will naturally come together and work for the common best interest. There is absolutely no evidence that this is actually a trait of our collective human nature.
What is the context of Ayn Rand’s background? I’d appreciate any information or advice on where to look.
Unfortunately down thru history of this country and many countries before it we start out with the best of intentions. As time passes human nature takes a little bit here and gets away with it so it takes a bigger bit until we end up, bare with me, with a little bit called Citizens United then we go down the rabbit hole. Now we didn’t get there overnight. It started with long campaigns that were expensive so we got a little bit of money from lobbyist in exchange for a few favors. Bottom line now you have people who run for office looking for money. I know that most of you already know this however a morjority of the American people don’t and there is the problem
Just noticed that in the TV series, “LOST”, that in Season 3, Episode 10, the character “Sawyer” is reading a copy of Ayn Rand’s ‘The Fountainhead’. So here I am. “LOST” is about how the passengers of a commercial airliner crash on an island and survive. So, far it looks like all survivors work together and contribute in an effort to stay alive. So far there has not been any demand to pay taxes, no politicians, no pollution. Not sure why they are trying to get off the island, but hope to learn more as I continue to watch the TV series and get a copy of “The Fountainhead”, assuming it has not been burned yet.
Hi Thomas,
I think you missed the chapter where Dagney Taggert crash lands in the private community that the “rugged individuals” did in fact build for themselves, by themselves (and perfectly capable of remaining alone), but then CHOSE to freely help through free trade their fellow neighbors (community) in this very functioning and highly efficient and peaceful community of like-minded individuals. Dagney found that utopian community made up of those rugged individuals and every other type of free-thinking individuals who willingly by their own choice chose to think and produce and barter and trade and live happily every after – you need to read the chapter you missed so that you know the end product of free-thinking! It’s definitely a community I want to live in!
Who cares about uncosted externalities untrammelled capitalism causes. We don’t need clean water and air when there is a buck to be made. Oh that’s right, the people who own the factories don’t need to live or drink the water near them. Ayn Rand devised a fairy tale world more fantastic than anything JRR Tolkien could think up. Pure fantasy.