Last week, in his final press conference as Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke announced that the Fed would be ‘tapering’ its program of buying Treasury and mortgage-backed securities (also known as quantitative easing or QE) by $10 billion a month starting January. Steven Horwitz argues that this move has been long overdue as the Fed’s policy of QE has had limited effect on the economy and has created a significant inflationary risk if the economy does begin to grow again. He writes that the Fed’s next challenge will be to determine how it can offload the trillions worth of reserves it now holds.
The Federal Reserve’s recent decision to begin to taper off its quantitative easing (QE) program is long overdue. QE was a mistake from the beginning and the risks it created will outlast the continuation of the program as its effects cannot be as easily unwound. Ending QE will also allow us to focus on the real problems causing the slow recovery, which have little to do with the need for more expansionary monetary policy.
Quantitative easing has not been particularly effective over the last five years in the US. The Fed has tripled its balance sheet, mostly by purchasing assets of dubious quality, but unemployment has remained at or above 7 percent and there have been few signs of a sustainable private sector driven recovery. Meanwhile, the asset purchases associated with QE have pumped trillions of dollars into bank reserves, creating a significant risk of inflation if the economy does begin to grow again and banks start to lend them out rather than hold them, as has been the case. If banks have been holding back because of perceived problems in the economy, and those perceptions change, they would have plenty of reserves to lend, potentially leading to high rates of inflation.
The combination of ineffectiveness and risks associated with long-term inflation are two good reasons to not just taper off the purchases associated with QE but to try to start unwinding them. More generally, the belief that monetary stimulus was important to recovery was misguided from the start. The argument that the slow recovery was due to a lack of aggregate demand that could be remedied by monetary expansion had at least some plausibility for the first year or two, but after that, the advocates of that position need to explain why enough time has not passed for nominal variables to adjust to the lower aggregate demand. If labor and capital continue to be idle after two or three years, much less five, of aggregate demand stimulus, then at some point we should entertain the hypothesis that the problems are with the real economy. It should not have taken five full years to have seen this point, and more attention should have been paid to fiscal and regulatory barriers to recovery in the first place.
The reaction of the US stock market to the tapering announcement suggests that US investors are also welcoming the end of QE, if only because of the reduced uncertainty about the future path of monetary policy. The next challenge for the Fed will be to figure out how to unwind the trillions it has added to reserves through QE. It is tempting to say it can just sell back what it bought, but no one is going to buy most of those mortgage-related assets at anything close to the price that the Fed paid for them. The difference between those prices is the net increase in reserves that the Fed would leave in the banks. Selling those assets might help, but the question of who will buy them at any decent price makes it unlikely to help all that much. The Fed could also use conventional open market operations to reduce reserve holdings, but that would require selling off a large quantity of US government bonds, again at lower prices which would, in turn, imply significantly higher interest rates. It is not clear the Fed wants to go this way either.
The Fed could also choose to increase the interest rate it is paying on bank reserves as a way to at least prevent the existing reserves from being channeled into spending and inflation. It won’t remove those reserves, but might dampen their effect. Of course the problem here is that this affects fiscal policy: those interest payments come from the federal government’s budget eventually and it’s not clear there’s a willingness to take on that burden.
Perhaps the best outcome of the tapering of QE is that it will take our attention away from monetary policy and aggregate demand and get it re-focused on the real economy and the ways in which excessive regulation (such as Dodd-Frank and the Affordable Care Act) and other forms of uncertainty about the future course of policy and the underlying rules of the economic game are undermining capital formation and job creation. I would argue these are the real problems with the US economy and, while tapering off QE is a good way to weaken a bad policy, the only path to recovery is one in which markets are freed up to reallocate the misallocated resources of the prior boom and put the economy back on a path of sustainable growth.
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Note: This article gives the views of the author, and not the position of USApp– American Politics and Policy, nor of the London School of Economics.
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Steven Horwitz – St. Lawrence University
Steven Horwitz is the Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY. He is the author of two books, Microfoundations and Macroeconomics: An Austrian Perspective (Routledge, 2000) and Monetary Evolution, Free Banking, and Economic Order (Westview, 1992). He has written extensively on Austrian economics, Hayekian political economy, monetary theory and history, and the economics and social theory of gender and the family.
I agree that “fiscal barriers” are responsible for the length of the recession (if by that Horwitz means the refusal by politicians to allow adequate fiscal stimulus).
As to “excessive regulation”, are we to believe there was a sudden and astronomic increase in regulation five years ago which caused the crisis and which has remained in place ever since, and which is preventing a full recovery? If so, can someone refer me to a study that quantifies the total amount of regulation that businesses have to deal with over the last ten years or so?
“If labor and capital continue to be idle after two or three years, much less five, of aggregate demand stimulus, then at some point we should entertain the hypothesis that the problems are with the real economy.” Er…yes. I “entertained” that “hypothesis” for five seconds a long time ago and rejected it, as have thousands of others. And the reason is simple, and as follows.
It’s widely agreed that the AMOUNT OF STIMULUS applied to the US economy, fiscal stimulus in particular, was totally inadequate (as indeed, Horwitz seems to point out himself). I.e. Horwitz’s argument is a bit like saying that one grain of rice a day doesn’t stop someone starving, ergo food is not the cure for starvation.
The Federal Register of new regulations has averaged 70,000 pages each year since 1970. Last year it totaled over 100,000 pages. Regulations didn’t suddenly increase in 2008, but the pace of new reg creation increased after 2000.
Investment in the US slowed after 2000. Most new jobs came from growing government. Investment died after 2008, but not because of a sudden increase in regs. It was a cumulative effect of previous regs. Of course Obamacare did create an explosion of new regulations.
Why has investment died? High taxes and massive regulations are the usual suspects.
Those regulation figures you quote certainly show a finite rise in regulation, but the rise isn’t dramatic. Moreover, what’s the problem with less investment?
First, capacity utilisation is currently on the low side at the moment. See this chart:
On that basis, more investment just isn’t needed right now.
Second, more regulation just means more bureaucrats and private sector employees devote their time to regulations. Some of those regulations will be beneficial, and some will be a total waste of time. But that’s a separate issue. The important point is those regulations are just an additional cost of doing business, like a rise in energy costs. But those extra costs do not preclude full employment. To illustrate, energy costs are much higher for countries without an indigenous source of fossil fuels (e.g. Japan). But I’ve never come across any evidence that employment levels are higher in countries with indigenous sources of energy.
I’m pretty sure he’s saying fiscal policy burdens the private sector when he mentions fiscal barriers. He’s an Austrian, it would be more in character for him to say that digging ditches doesn’t work.