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Blog Admin

February 27th, 2017

Calling all LSE blogs authors – we need your help!

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Blog Admin

February 27th, 2017

Calling all LSE blogs authors – we need your help!

0 comments | 2 shares

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


Here at the LSE blogs, we’re always eager to follow up on our published posts and track the impacts that they have; whether this is mainstream media coverage, inclusion on a university course reading list, references in grey literature or in policy documentation. Much of this can be captured by link-tracking but there are inevitably cases we can’t pick up and so we’re reliant on our contributors to bring these to our attention. Many of the most compelling examples of positive impact have been related to us anecdotally.

That’s why we’re inviting all our contributors – across all of the LSE’s public-facing blogs – to share their own examples. What impact did your post have following publication on one of the LSE blogs? What were the benefits of writing with us? Were you subsequently called on as an expert? What other opportunities did your blog post afford you? Examples might include an invitation to contribute to a (national or local) government project or initiative; collaborations with business or third sector organizations; new publishing opportunities; or even an invitation to participate in new, related research. However incidental your example might seem, we’d love to hear about it.

So, if you are an LSE blogs contributor and you do have an example of post-publication impact to share, please do so by completing the form below.

Please note, we may follow up to discuss your example with you. Thank you so much for your help!

About the author

Blog Admin

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