On this page
- Introduction
- Tackling violence against women and civil society engagement: observer status and registration
The Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) is one of two bodies that make up the ‘Councils of the Organization’ (see also ‘Permanent Council of the Organization’). In general, CIDI works to promote cooperation among member States to achieve integral development and eliminate extreme poverty. It consists of one ambassador from each member State, who is appointed by their respective government, and is directly answerable to the General Assembly. CIDI holds at least one meeting annually with the possibility of additional ‘special’ meetings. To help its work, CIDI has subsidiary organs:
- Permanent Committees
- Inter-American Committees
- Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development
- Non-permanent Specialised Committees
The Inter-American Council for Integral Development is responsible for (Chapter XIII, OAS Charter):
- Formulating and recommending to the General Assembly a strategic plan which sets forth policies, programs, and courses of action in matters of cooperation for integral development, within the framework of the general policy and priorities defined by the General Assembly;
- Promoting, coordinating, and assigning responsibility for the execution of development programs and projects to the subsidiary bodies and relevant organizations, on the basis of the priorities identified by the member states, in areas such as:
- Economic and social development, including trade, tourism, integration and the environment;
- Improvement and extension of education to cover all levels, promotion of scientific and technological research, through technical cooperation, and support for cultural activities; and
- Strengthening of the civic conscience of the American peoples, as one of the bases for the effective exercise of democracy and for the observance of the rights and duties of man.
- These ends shall be furthered by sectoral participation mechanisms and other subsidiary bodies and organizations established by the Charter and by other General Assembly provisions.
- Establish cooperative relations with the corresponding bodies of the United Nations and with other national and international agencies, especially with regard to coordination of inter-American technical cooperation programs.
- Periodically evaluate cooperation activities for integral development, in terms of their performance in the implementation of policies, programs, and projects, in terms of their impact, effectiveness, efficiency, and use of resources, and in terms of the quality, inter alia, of the technical cooperation services provided; and report to the General Assembly.
Tackling Violence against Women and Civil Society Engagement: Observer Status and Registration
CSOs wishing to engage with the Inter-American Council for Integral Development on may have the opportunity to designate a representative to attend meetings as an observer. As an observer, the representatives may not take part in any deliberations, negotiations or decisions adopted by member states. However, other methods of participation are available to CSOs that have received prior approval from the Secretary General and CIDI. These methods include:
- Presenting written documents for distribution prior to the meeting
- Delivering a presentation prior to the meeting’s deliberations.
- Receiving documents in advance of the meetings of the Working Groups and Special Committees
- Presenting a statement at the beginning of the deliberations, and deliver a presentation once the consideration of the issue has concluded
- Attending closed meetings of CIDI
There are two primary methods for gaining approval to attend the CIDI’s meetings:
- 1. By registering with the OAS through an application to the Secretary General and with approval of the Permanent Council
- 2. Requesting to attend the Permanent Council’s meeting as a Special Guest
Prior to registering with the OAS, there are certain requirements CSOs must meet. After registration, CSOs are given specific responsibilities as part of their work with the OAS. To decide which method best serves the interests of those wishing to participate in OAS activities, it is highly recommended that CSOs read the terms and conditions of participation on the OAS website.
Want more? Read about Civil Society status within the OAS and how to participate in Permanent Council meetings
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