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Hattie Rowan

Elsbeth Turnbull

April 13th, 2022

Guest Blog: Volunteering at a festival


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Hattie Rowan

Elsbeth Turnbull

April 13th, 2022

Guest Blog: Volunteering at a festival


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Charity Concierge is a charity that allows you to volunteer at a festival during the summer, concierges then raise tens of thousands of pounds per festival, making a real impact for and our work to spark progress in global child health. In this blog Charity Concierge discuss what it’s like to volunteer with them at one of the festivals. 

Charity Concierge is not your average festival volunteering opportunity. We make sure our volunteer roles are accessible, fun and allow for plenty of time off to soak up the festival’s atmosphere (you will also never work later than 9pm!).


This year, Charity Concierge is attending three festivals: Latitude, Camp Bestival Dorset and the brand new Camp Bestival Shropshire. But what will volunteers actually be doing (aside from having a lot of fun)? Charity Concierge offers volunteers several roles to choose from: golf buggy taxi driver, taxi management crew, team leader or general services in the main arena*. Yes that’s right – you could be driving a golf buggy around some of the UK’s biggest festivals.



To give you a taste of what it’s like being a Concierge, we wanted you to hear from our 2021 Latitude volunteer, Elsbeth:

“Volunteering at Latitude was great fun. I went on my own and still had a great time & met lots of lovely people – but I also suggest doing it with a few friends so you can make up a team, work together and camp together. We camped near the festival site and had food tents, showers & portaloos all easily accessible (volunteers stay on the staff campsites so have access to their bathrooms). I would definitely recommend swimming in the lake at Latitude!

As a Concierge I was in a team of 5 other people. We did one shift pitching tents; I worked in the family zone putting up bell tents which is hard work but it’s fun chatting to guests and I liked helping parents with kids.

For the following two or three shifts I worked as a drinks concierge getting priority access to drinks at the main stage. It was great to raise money for a good cause – global health charity – and you get to see the acts whilst working! Shifts are 7 or 8 hours but the time goes quite quickly and then you get lots of free time to fully enjoy the festival.”


For more information about Charity Concierge, or to sign up, please visit:

You can find all of the roles available, and apply for them on CareerHub.


Charity Concierge is a volunteering program run by an international charity that seeks to spark progress in global child health. The charity works with pregnant women and babies across Kenya, collaborating with local communities and experts to design and deliver programs that improve maternal and child healthcare. The money raised by Charity Concierge goes towards’s brilliant projects.


*Please note that the general services role is only available at Latitude.

If Charity Concierge has inspired you to volunteer, check out one of our other ongoing opportunities or book a one-to-one with David Coles, the Volunteer Centre Manager if you have more questions. And why not follow us on Twitter, and Instagram to stay up-to-date with our events and opportunities and read our blog for more volunteering tips and stories. 

About the author

Hattie Rowan

Elsbeth Turnbull

Posted In: Volunteer Experiences

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