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Andrew Pei

May 8th, 2023

Guest Blog: Community Engagement Programme Winners at the 2023 Volunteer Centre Awards


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Andrew Pei

May 8th, 2023

Guest Blog: Community Engagement Programme Winners at the 2023 Volunteer Centre Awards


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

In this blog, we hear from Andrew (BSc Economics, 2024) from the winning team of the 2023 Community Engagement Programme. In their work with a social care organisation, Andrew’s team worked diligently to provide meaningful consultation. This writing in particular is from a speech he gave at the 2023 Volunteer Centre Awards on 3 May, in which Andrew spoke on behalf of his team.   

“I am humbled and honored to be representing my team in receiving the Community Engagement Program (CEP) Overall Winner Award. It is truly an honor that we did not expect when we first embarked on this journey just a few months ago.

Volunteering has always held a special place in my heart, and this program has been particularly meaningful in terms of engaging with the wider society as students but also members of this wider society. Our experiences have been nothing short of transformative, both individually and as a team.

As a team, we have gained immensely from participating in this program. We have honed our research and analytical skills by combining information from different sources, while also learning the value of effective communication and active listening to better understand the needs and perspectives of those we serve. Personally, I have come to appreciate the importance of patience and teamwork under time pressure, and the ability to see the bigger picture by analyzing complex information.

Above all, this program has taught us the power of making a positive impact in a community. Though we have faced challenges and been moved by heartbreaking stories, we have always been inspired by the passion and dedication of those who seek to make a difference. Our experiences have underscored the importance of empathy and understanding in creating meaningful change.

Ultimately, the Community Engagement Program is about harnessing the collective power of the LSE community to make a difference in the wider world. This award is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion of my team and our charity partner, and we are grateful for the support and guidance we received from our mentor and the Volunteer Centre.

In closing, I want to express my sincere appreciation for this incredible honor. It is a privilege to have been part of this program and to have been given the opportunity to contribute to the betterment of our community. Thank you.”

Next year’s Community Engagement Programme will run in early 2024, with applications opening in the autumn of 2023.  Keep an eye on our newsletters, blog, social media and website for updates!

About the author

Andrew Pei

BSc Economics

Posted In: Volunteer Experiences

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