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Paola Hanks

August 3rd, 2023

Guest Blog by Paola: Voluntary Organisation of the Year

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Paola Hanks

August 3rd, 2023

Guest Blog by Paola: Voluntary Organisation of the Year

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

This week, we are featuring some of the winners from the 2023 Awards! Today, you can read more from Carers UK, who were honored with the award, LSE Voluntary Organisation of the Year. 

  • Tell us how LSE students have been involved in your work as volunteers

Over the past year, Carers UK has been working with the London School of Economics (LSE) Volunteering Centre to engage students with volunteering. We had a great number of LSE students applying for a variety of online and in-person volunteering roles. A group of seven students took part on the Community Engagement Programme and produced a research report on caring and faith based on interviews with 11 carers. It was great to have a group of talented students to work on this project, they have produced and excellent report, and we were delighted to find out that the project received an award. We are also taking part this year in the LSE Volunteering Scheme for disabled students, which is a great opportunity to learn new skills and access new opportunities that can be valuable in the workplace.

  • What impact have they made?

It has helped us to raise awareness of unpaid carers, supporting our research so we can reach out to more communities and add valuable information for future research projects.

  • How did you feel when you won the award?

I felt proud and grateful of winning and receiving the award on behalf of Carers UK, as a LSE Alumni, this feels very close to my heart. We hope LSE students have found the volunteering experience with Carers UK meaningful; their support to unpaid carers has been very valuable in raising awareness of caring. We look forward to continuing working with the LSE Volunteering Centre.

If Carers UK has inspired you to volunteer, check out one of our other ongoing opportunities or book a one-to-one with David Coles, the Volunteer Centre Manager if you have more questions. And why not follow us on Twitter, and Instagram to stay up-to-date with our events and opportunities and read our blog for more volunteering tips and stories. 

About the author

Paola Hanks

Carers UK

Posted In: Volunteer Management

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