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Elizabeth Redko

January 2nd, 2019

Elizabeth: Let’s start with a little self introduction

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Elizabeth Redko

January 2nd, 2019

Elizabeth: Let’s start with a little self introduction

0 comments | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Some background information

I come from a bit of a paradoxical background, considering I was born in Washington D.C. but in terms of nationality, I am Russian. So, when asked where I am from, I tend to respond that I am an American born Russian. Then the next question people ask is: “So then, which do you like better?” Honestly, it’s like choosing between two evils, but I don’t like to get into the politics of it. Though please don’t get me wrong, I love them both but each in a different way.

Much of my early childhood I spent living in the centre of Moscow and then when I was ten years old, I went to boarding school in California. I lived there for a while and therefore that is the place I identify the most in America. For high school, I went to an international school just outside of London and that was when I got hooked on going into the city and just exploring all the different areas. After graduating high school, I wanted to study marketing in Washington D.C. and after studying there for two years, I knew I wanted to go back to Europe to do a study abroad program. Though I know you are meant to go to a country you have never been before for your study abroad, but I felt like something was pulling me back to London and I am sure the great reputation of the LSE had something to do with it. So here I am at LSE, taking courses in Management, Russian, and International History.


A bit about my life now

As I mentioned I am currently a part of the LSE General Course program taking courses in Management, Russian, and International History.

When I am not in lectures or classes, I enjoy wandering about the city and finding new favourite coffee shops or galleries. Trust me, London has so many hidden spots.

Though I am pursuing a degree in Business Administration and specialising in marketing, I also have a passion for graphic design. London is an amazing city for exploring anything design or art related and I am sure I will tell you more about it later.


And I’ll leave you with some quick facts:

My favourite spot in London: The rooftop at the shopping centre across from St. Paul’s Cathedral

My favourite thing about living in London: All the free galleries and museums London has to offer

My least favourite thing about living in London: How expensive everything is. I literally feel like I am broke all the time. But on the upside, there are a bunch of free things to do, you just have to keep an eye out for them!


About the author


Elizabeth Redko

Posted In: Featured | Student life

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