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Farah Chowdhury

November 18th, 2016

Interview with an undergraduate – how has LSE Careers helped you?


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Farah Chowdhury

November 18th, 2016

Interview with an undergraduate – how has LSE Careers helped you?


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

We asked undergraduates who used our service last year to tell us how we helped them with their career – whether it was finding a job or just understanding what careers are available for them when they graduate. You can find out more about everything we offer on our website.

Puneet, 3rd year BSc Economic History

Puneet used appointments, events, and CareerHub after hearing about us from his academic advisor.

1. What did you expect when you used LSE Careers?

To be honest I didn’t really know what to expect, I’ve never used a careers service before and I wasn’t sure if I’d find any of it useful given at the time I didn’t know what I wanted to do.

2. How did our services meet your expectations?

I think the two best things about LSE are the education and LSE Careers. Careers is a hidden gem based in Saw Swee Hock and it really is one of the best things I’ve come across to help me with careers. Being able to talk to an adviser about pretty much anything careers related really helped me to understand what career would best fit me. The personally tailored advice and CV and cover letter checks really helped me with my job hunt. The wealth of knowledge each adviser had on different industries was honestly astounding.

3. Were there any other outcomes? (eg. knowing more about what kind of job you’d like, having more confidence at an interview, or even a job/internship offer)

I was able to choose a career path that was right for me, it also really helped me get an internship for this summer. When I started using Careers in September my CV and cover letter were rubbish, but over my job hunt process I was able to constantly refine and supplement my CV by following the advice of careers advisers. If I wasn’t able to do this I honestly don’t think I would’ve been able to get my internship or any other job for that matter.

4. Any advice you’d give to other undergraduates reading this?

I think there are two bits of advice I’d like to give: the sooner you visit LSE Careers the better. The job hunting process is a long and painful one, the sooner you start it the faster you are able to refine your applications to reach the final interviews.

Secondly I think you shouldn’t be afraid to utilise every aspect that LSE Careers offers. Go to appointments with advisers, go to events like careers fairs, or degree specific meetings as they can honestly be very helpful.

5. Anything else you’d like us to know?

I think LSE Careers is amazing. I have no criticism of the service itself. I would however suggest the service is recommended more by professors at early stages of students’ undergraduate degrees.

If you have any questions about what LSE Careers can do for you, or if you’d like to be featured in this series of blogs too, email us at


About the author

Farah Chowdhury

Posted In: LSE Careers

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