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Viki Chinn

May 23rd, 2017

How to succeed at verbal and numerical reasoning tests

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Viki Chinn

May 23rd, 2017

How to succeed at verbal and numerical reasoning tests

0 comments | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

1. Figure out what’s expected from the tests

Usually when an organisation wants you to take online psychometric tests, they’ll give you a small amount of information about what they want to see. Some make your timing the priority, whereas others will state you don’t necessarily need to finish the test. They also sometimes state what level they’re looking for eg. GCSE maths level numerical tests etc.

If this information isn’t provided, then you can assume that they’re looking at everything: both your timing and your numerical/verbal reasoning skills. If this is the case, then preparation to get used to the test conditions is very important.


2. Practice

No matter how good you may be at maths, no matter how great you reckon your comprehension skills are, practicing is extremely important. You might be able to bluff your way through the tests, but don’t risk it. You need to get used to the format in which these tests are presented and the time it might take you to do certain things, so practice before the real thing to give yourself a better chance.

If you’re a current student you can access our subscription to Graduates First for free practice tests, and we also have a page for other free practice tests that everyone can access across the web.


3. Seriously though, practice some more

If you think you’ve done more than enough practice, then just do one more. One more can’t hurt, and if it helps you improve your skills even further then it’s definitely worth it.


4. Come to LSE Careers

In the LSE Careers Resource Centre on Floor 5 of Saw Swee Hock we have a huge range of books about psychometric tests that can help you with your preparation, including some for specific roles such as the Civil Service and EPSO.

Our LibraryThing catalogue will give you an idea of the books we have available, and if you’re around the Saw Swee Hock feel free to come in and have a look.


5. Check our online resources

We have a lot of information about psychometric tests on our website, including subscriptions to Graduates First to give you practice tests, and links to other sites that offer practice tests online.

Don’t forget to use Google (or an alternative search engine) to look for more practice tests, as well as sites where others who have done the tests give tips and advice on the content.

Sites like Assessment Day, Practice Aptitude Tests, and Job Test Prep all offer a limited number of free practice tests, and also have paid for packages if you want to go further.

Employer sites also usually give you examples of the tests they use to practice.


6. Prepare effectively

This is different from practising: you need to prepare for these tests like you would for your university exams. Make sure you have a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed, and a good internet connection so you won’t get disconnected.

Sleep well the night before and make sure you’re feeling ready to sit and do the test. If you have nowhere quiet that you can do the tests, check with us at Careers as sometimes we have rooms available for students to do this.


7. Watch your time

Most of the employer tests you’ll be asked to do will have a time limit. Practising makes this easier. If you practice tests without looking at the time first, you’ll get a better sense of how long you have and how long this feels like when you’re concentrating on what you’re doing.

During the test itself don’t obsess over the time as this could distract you, but make sure you’re aware of how much you have left and whether you need to move onto a different question.


8. Relax

Relaxing is probably not the easiest thing for you to do right now. However the best way to get through employer tests is to stay relaxed while you’re doing them. If you’ve done sufficient preparation you should be fine, and don’t worry about taking breaks if you need to as this will help your concentration and make these tests easier.


About the author

Viki Chinn

Posted In: LSE Careers | Psychometric test

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