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Farah Chowdhury

May 24th, 2017

Thinking of working abroad?

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Farah Chowdhury

May 24th, 2017

Thinking of working abroad?

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Whether you want to establish yourself in another country or want to use work to see the world, we can give you some advice on how to get a job or experience abroad. We have some great resources, both online and offline, and tips that can get you started moving on after your studies:

1. Know yourself and what you’re looking for

Whichever country you’re thinking of working in, make sure you spend some time finding out what your motivations and drivers are. Are you hoping to learn new skills? Build an international CV? Or self-fund the exploration of a new country? Our Career Builder tool can help you gain greater clarity about what kind of jobs and industries suit you based on your skills, interests, values and personality type.  You can also access some helpful self-assessment tools and a career matching tool on our website.

2. Browse country profiles

On our website we have an extensive list of country profiles with links, advice, and news about employability in a range of countries. Each profile should give you a great starting point in finding out how to move to a certain country, and will hopefully provide you a perfect base for figuring out how you want to go about doing this.

3. Use Going Global

If you’re a current student then you’ll have access to our exclusive resources. One of these is Going Global, which is one of the best resources for finding jobs abroad. Going Global has extensive country guides and a vacancy board for jobs abroad that you can search and apply through, so have a look and see if there are any right for you.

Don’t worry if you’re an alumni and can’t access Going Global; our international careers page also has a lot of information and links to jobs boards and other information for a large number of countries.

4. Go to the LSE Careers library

In the Resource Centre on Floor 5 of the Saw Swee Hock Student Centre we have a library of books, with a section specifically for international careers. We have books on TEFL, individual guides for America, Canada, Hong Kong, and  Europe, and other more general guides for working outside of the UK. Many of these can be borrowed for up to a week with your student card.

5. Explore CareerHub

We have hundreds of jobs across the globe that employers have advertised with us on CareerHub. You can search these via the ‘Opportunities’ tab. As well as searching for jobs in different countries, under the ‘Types of work’ option you can filter by several different options, including part-time work, volunteering, and graduate work for example.

6. Volunteer abroad

If you’re interested in volunteering abroad, you can find specific information on volunteering overseas on our website, and we also advertise overseas volunteering opportunities on CareerHub. If your interest is in international development, keep in mind that it’s often difficult to find a salaried position in an international agency without 1-2 years of previous field experience and a relevant graduate degree. To start, consider an internship or volunteer so you can gain field experience that could eventually materialise into permanent employment.

Another option is working in summer camps, such as Camp America, Bunac, PGL or Camp Beaumont, which can be immensely rewarding through enabling you to develop interpersonal skills and gain work experience. The tourism industry and teaching are other avenues for (sometimes paid) experience in a range of countries.

7. Study abroad

Studying abroad is a great way to get started in another country. While studying you can see if the culture fits you, and hopefully have access to a careers centre that can help you find employment once you’ve finished your course. Make sure you do your research beforehand, as studying abroad can have extra costs and rules. Have a look at our studying abroad page for more information.

8. Meet LSE alumni

If you’re feeling like you don’t know where to start, then talking to alumni who have done the same thing can help you figure out how to make it happen. The alumni office runs a mentoring programme for current students to talk to a range of graduates who have done what you’re hoping to do. It’s also worth connecting with LSE alumni on LinkedIn.

If you’d like to discuss options or any careers-related topic, you can book a one-to-one appointment with one of our careers consultants on CareerHub!


About the author

Farah Chowdhury

Posted In: Career planning | Featured | Location | LSE Careers


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