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Maddie Smith

June 27th, 2017

How a one-to-one appointment can help get you on track


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Maddie Smith

June 27th, 2017

How a one-to-one appointment can help get you on track


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

  • Not sure where you’re going and don’t want to get lost? You would consult a map.
  • Need a second opinion on an outfit choice? You might ask a friend.
  • Want help on how to answer an essay question or prepare for exams? You would speak to a tutor.
  • Want advice on how best to invest your money? You would speak to a financial adviser.

In every case you would speak to an expert and refer to someone or something you can trust. Well exactly the same principles apply with your career! If you want advice on any aspect of your job hunting process from a second opinion on something you’ve written to how to manage the next step in your journey or to find what that next destination is, then an LSE Careers consultant or one of our online tools will be able to help.

Unsure about what direction you can go in after your degree or what your options are? 

It may seem as if many of your friends know what they want to do but trust us, many of them are a bit lost too! Talking through your skills, interests and motivations in a careers discussion with someone who is impartial and really listens can give you some clarity and help get you started on your career journey. Our online tool Career Builder can also help you think through some of the questions.

How can you make myself look good on paper?

Maybe you’ve pulled the final documents together and are wanting a second opinion before sending it out? Perhaps you’re starting from the beginning and want advice on how to put it all together? Then do come and speak to us. There is a guide to CVs, letters and applications online too so if you are putting something together for the first time this is also a good place to start.

Don’t know how to navigate all the careers information that’s out there?

There’s a wealth of careers advice out there but with so much available it can be confusing. A one-to-one careers appointment should be able to help you narrow down your search to the best sites possible and help stop you getting information overload. There are some great starting points on our Employment Sector pages too.

Career plans a bit stuck and you want help moving forward?  

Plan As don’t always work out. Talking to someone can help you identify what obstacles are in your way, help unblock your thinking and help you consider what some of your alternatives might be. We’ve also written a blog on the subject to try and help you stay positive.

Just what are employers really looking for?

Want help deciphering different competencies, skills and behaviours or interpreting what the job description actually means? We can help you make sense of ’employer speak’ to make sure your applications and interview answers really stand out.

Feeling nervous about preparing for an interview and answering questions?

Just having a chat to go through possible scenarios or booking a practice interview before you have the real thing can be a huge help. Constructive feedback is always useful. Talking confidentially to someone who wants to help you perform at your best can be a real confidence boost and help you make sure that when it comes to the real thing you do the best interview possible!

LSE Careers is open all summer

We offer a range of appointment types: CVs, career discussions and practice interviews (which can also be via Skype or over the ‘phone if you’re not in London). So whether you’re a current masters student looking at career options, a recent graduate looking for a job or postgraduate study, or a current student keen to make the most of the summer or get ahead when you come back in Michaelmas Term, LSE Careers is your one stop advice centre.

Enjoy the summer and we look forward to seeing you soon!


About the author

Maddie Smith

Careers Consultant, LSE Careers

Posted In: Career planning | LSE Careers

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