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Farah Chowdhury

November 29th, 2018

Using LinkedIn in your job search


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Farah Chowdhury

November 29th, 2018

Using LinkedIn in your job search


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

We recently ran a workshop giving practical advice on how to make the most of LinkedIn. Below are our key takeaways from the session but if you’re looking for more information then keep checking CareerHub for upcoming sessions and/or book some time in with a careers consultant to get some support and advice. LinkedIn is fast becoming, if not already, the main destination that employers and recruiters will find out about you – even more than your CV – so take the time to make the most of the expertise the careers consultants have in this area.

7 steps to success on LinkedIn

  1. Download the LinkedIn app if you have a smartphone as an encouragement to check the site regularly and to ensure that you can respond to messages quickly.
  2. Spend time taking a look at other people’s profiles, their career trajectories, and note the keywords they use in their sector.
  3. Update your profile with a professional photo and change the text to include those relevant keywords. Write in the first person and use language which is appropriate for the sector you’re interested in.
  4. Follow relevant groups and companies to find out more about what they’re doing and to visibly demonstrate that you’re interested in the area.
  5. Book some time in with a careers consultant to check through your profile, give you advice on how to connect with other people, and explain good ‘netiquette’.
  6. Connect with people whose careers you’re inspired by and ask if you can speak to them for 10-15 minutes to learn more about their careers.
  7. Continuously update your profile and engage with the relevant LinkedIn communities!

The next seminar on LinkedIn is on 4 December; booking is now open on CareerHub!


About the author

Farah Chowdhury

Posted In: Careers Advice | Careers skill | Featured | LinkedIn

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