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Edith Karinthi-Durnez

September 13th, 2019

How to prepare for case study interviews


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Edith Karinthi-Durnez

September 13th, 2019

How to prepare for case study interviews


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Interested in a career in management consulting? Case studies interviews are essential part of the recruitment process and honing your skills now will be time well spent when you get an interview.

They’re designed to assess a candidate’s ability to analyse, interpret and communicate information. The interviewer wants to understand how you would approach the task, what you’d take into consideration, and what you’d choose to leave out. The good news is that the more you prepare, the better you get at acing case study interviews.

Preparation is key

  • Practise, practise, practise. 50-60 hours is the general expectation. Why not join or start a ‘case studies skills club’? The LSE Careers website also has links to firms’ case studies.
  • Use all resources available on our exclusive resource CaseCoach, from videos, to practice material, to maths drills.
  • Read Case in Point by Marc Cosentino.
  • Brush up your maths – formulae and percentages are a good start. Do them without using a calculator.
  • Research key populations. The interviewer won’t expect you to know off the exact population of Peru, but knowing you’re in the right area will build credibility and confidence.
  • Attend a case study careers seminar or workshop
  • Join a student consultancy society such as LSE SU Consultancy, Enactus, 180 Degrees Consulting or Cognoscere.
  • Book a practice interview with LSE Careers once you have an offer.
  • Read employer tips for case study success.

Top tips for success

  • Be clear on the question. Understand exactly what is being asked of you.
  • Round figures up or down to make it simpler to perform calculations.
  • Think out loud – engage the interviewer in the process.
  • Remember building rapport is important.
  • If you get the figures wrong, just continue.
  • Don’t force a framework.
  • Give a concise conclusion.
  • Provide recommendations – where there are trade-offs, point these out.

Good luck!


About the author

Edith Karinthi-Durnez

Posted In: Case Study interviews | LSE Careers


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