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Bethan Wilson

January 13th, 2021

How can you recruit LSE volunteers this year?


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Bethan Wilson

January 13th, 2021

How can you recruit LSE volunteers this year?


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

The LSE Volunteer Centre connects students with charities to help them find rewarding opportunities. Last year, roughly 40% of our students volunteered during their time at LSE and we aim to increase this number even further! Hence, we’re always on the lookout for new, interesting volunteering opportunities. But why LSE student volunteers?

Well our research shows that LSE student volunteers are dedicated and committed to volunteering, with almost 60% of our third year undergraduates volunteering! We also know that altruism is the top motivator for our students and they are driven by their passion for the cause. This passion can be seen through their efforts to help their local and global communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Not All Heroes Wear Capes: How LSE students and alumni are helping in the time of COVID-19

Need more reasons? (really?) Check out our annual research to learn more about our student volunteers.

So, how can you as a charity, get involved?

Upload your opportunities to our vacancy board

The easiest and quickest way to get involved is by uploading your volunteering roles on LSE CareerHub, our free online vacancy board. Once you’ve created an organisation account you can post your opportunities so our students and alumni (up to five years) can find them. We’re looking for anything from one-offs to long-term volunteering opportunities and any roles from event stewards to trustees, but we’re especially looking for skilled roles because LSE students have lots to offer.

Write a blog for us

We’re always on the lookout for new, engaging content so if you have LSE students volunteering with you, we’d love to hear about their experiences. Organisations can also write an informational blog posts, opinion piece. Guidelines are on our website and you can contact us to discuss the options too (see below).

Social Media

Every Tuesday we look to support one of our charity partners for CharityTuesday on social media! With a large student following, our platforms are a brilliant way to tell students about your volunteering opportunities. The more creative, the better! If you would like to be featured, please get in touch with Beth (

Book an appointment

We hope these tips help and we look forward to seeing you on campus over the coming year. If you have any further questions about creating a recruitment strategy please get in contact with us on



About the author

Bethan Wilson

Beth’s main responsibilities are working with a fantastic team of Student Volunteering Ambassadors and coordinating the centre’s marketing and communications. As an LSE alumni, Beth strives to put the LSE student experience at the heart of everything the Volunteer Centre does.

Posted In: Charity | International organisation | NGO | Public sector | Type of organisation | Volunteer Centre

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