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October 20th, 2021

Meet your Student Volunteering Ambassadors 2021-22


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


October 20th, 2021

Meet your Student Volunteering Ambassadors 2021-22


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Every year we work with a group of students who are passionate about volunteering and who also want to inspire the rest of the student body to volunteer. They’ll be sharing their amazing volunteering experiences through blogs, Instagram and face-to-face on stalls with us. So without further-ado, we’d like to hand over to our Student Volunteering Ambassadors to introduce themselves…

Miriam Tzannatos (BSc International Social Policy and Politics) 

Hi everyone! I’m Mariam. I’m so excited to be a SVA this year because I’m looking forward to sharing my previous experiences volunteering in the Middle East and East Asia and heading yours. I most enjoyed volunteering at a school with Syrian refugees in Lebanon and it taught me so much. As a SVA I hope to help change misconceptions students at LSE have that volunteering comes second to profit-making opportunities, rather, it is a non-dichotomous relationship between the two. I’m looking forward to meeting and working with everyone this year. 


Tanya Marwaha (BSc International Relations and Chinese)


I wished to become Student Volunteer Ambassador as I enjoy helping others, making a difference and being able to give back to the community. The last year I have been volunteering with my own organisation Championing Youth Minds to support young people’s mental wellbeing, through social media content, collaborations and free workshops. I am excited to be a part of the volunteer centre this coming year and welcoming everyone to join!


Dan Lawes (BSc in International Relations and History)

Hey, I’m Dan! I am a second year International Relations and History student, and I can’t wait to get involved as a Volunteering Ambassador this year. Volunteering has played a tremendous role in my life as I have found that the satisfaction you get from devoting your time to a cause you are passionate about is next to none. I founded the national non-profit organisation, YouthPolitics UK, which works to empower young people through civic education and political engagement. This has shown me first-hand the positive influence that voluntary work can have by providing an opportunity to not only help others but also promote your own personal development. Alongside my work with youth political engagement, I am also on the Board of Trustees for the charity, Young Manchester, an ambassador for HRH #iWill Campaign and a youth advisor to the Bank of England. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on  


Faye Mahon (BA in Social Anthropology)

Hi, I’m Faye, a returning student volunteering ambassador! After a year of online volunteering and virtual events, I’m excited to organise and participate in some in-person volunteering events this year! If you have any questions about the volunteer centre, available opportunities or want any general volunteer-related advice please feel free to reach out to me at – I’m more than happy to help  


Isha Patel (BSc in Economic History with Economics)

Hi my name is Isha I’m a second year Economic History with Economics student. I chose to be a student volunteer this year because I have always enjoyed making a positive difference to people’s lives. Volunteering is a rewarding and fulfilling role that makes the world a better place. In the past I have volunteered with charities and currently I volunteer with Care4calais helping asylum seekers. I am looking forward to many more volunteering opportunities this year!


Elisvat Isaia (MSc in Marketing)

Hi, My name is Elisavet and I am a MSc Marketing student excited to be a volunteer ambassador for LSE! I believe volunteering has a range of benefits to provide to students, including meeting new people with similar interests and gaining skills for your career and personal development. I encourage you to have a look at the numerous opportunities available at the LSE volunteering centre and don’t hesitate to contact me!


Amali De Silva Wijeyeratne (BSc in International Relations)

Hello and welcome to volunteering at LSE! Volunteering is definitely one of the best things you can get involved with at LSE. Not only do you get to help great causes, but you also make great friends and learn new skills. It also can be very flexible and work around your schedule which is great. I became a SVA because I really want to get more students involved in volunteering and help them really connect to causes they care about. Volunteering in the past has been among the most rewarding things I’ve done and I can’t wait to get more students involved.

Atrina Oraee (PhD in Psychological & Behavioural Science)

Hi there! I’m Atrina, a proud Student Volunteering Ambassador. I had an extremely transformative experience after becoming a volunteer teacher in a couple of developing countries. I later incorporated volunteer work into my weekly schedule for many reasons including, but not limited to, the huge impact it has on my well-being and mental health. It’s not only a way for giving back to the society which I am a part of, but it’s also an immersive experience through which I am simply just…happier! Additionally, I met a few of my great friends at such times and it felt absolutely fantastic to work alongside people who share the same values and concerns as yours. I therefore became a SVA, hoping to introduce more and more people to such activities, ultimately creating a community over mutual values and that is determined to give back. I also believe volunteering based activities can affect mental health for the better and this is crucial for getting through such hard times together.

Nicole Jin (BSc Geography with Economics)

Hi everyone! My name is Nicole and I’m a 2nd-year BSc Geography with Economics student. I was part of the LSE Community Engagement Programme 2021 and had an amazing experience. I have also briefly taught Chinese high school students in Yunnan during the summers of 2020 and 2021. Through volunteering I was able to meet some of my best friends and build self-confidence while supporting teenagers from less privileged backgrounds. I’m excited to be a Student Volunteering Ambassador this year and really want to encourage my peers to volunteer at LSE as volunteering truly is a mutually beneficial experience!


Annie Wenn (MSc International Migration and Public Policy)

Hi, I’m Annie, and I’m studying MSc International Migration and Public Policy in the European Institute at LSE.  I’m really excited to be working with the Volunteering Centre this year as a student ambassador, and can’t wait to get started!  Volunteering regularly has had a really positive impact upon my life, through making a difference, meeting new people, and giving back to the community (and often all three!).  In a world where inequality and injustices are all too common, it can be easy to feel helpless, but volunteering can be incredibly empowering – my most recent role with a human rights legal charity has shown me that whilst we may not always be able to change the wider situation in the short-term, we can make a huge difference to the life of the individual people we help as volunteers.  I am looking forward to helping other students find equally rewarding placements and opportunities with causes that they feel passionately about.  I think the most common worry, especially for postgrad students, is that we won’t have time to fit it all in, but volunteering doesn’t have to be time consuming – the Volunteer Centre has an incredible array of opportunities to get involved, from one-off sessions lasting an hour or two, right up to longer term placements.  I’m looking forward to meeting you all at some of the exciting events we have coming up this year!

Alice Rigo-Saitta (BSc in Sociology)

Last year, as president of RAG, I was very involved in the LSE Fundraising community, and I worked first-hand with charities on an international, national and local scale. I’m very excited to expand my horizons by immersing into the LSE Volunteering community! This year, I will be volunteering regularly with the Felix Project, and I also look forward to seizing some of the many other volunteer opportunities that LSE and the LSE Volunteer Centre have to offer! 

Maya Kaul (BSc in Economics)

I’m Maya, a second year economics student. I started volunteering last year through LSE’s Community Engagement Programme in which I carried out research for a charity into how their online knowledge base could be improved to enhance their services. This year I’m excited to be volunteering as an educational mentor for Salusbury World, an organisation that helps refugee and migrant kids and families. I wanted to become a volunteer ambassador this year because of how rewarding and enjoyable my experience with volunteering has been, and I look forward to helping the Volunteer Centre encourage other students to get involved with the wonderful opportunities available to them.

Amna Bhatti (BA in Geography)

Hi there, I’m Amna and I’m a second year BA Geography student. I’m so excited to be one of the student volunteering ambassadors for 2021/22! Volunteering has contributed massively to my life on multiple occasions and has always been the perfect networking opportunity as well! It allows me to meet likeminded individuals and make friendships that last a lifetime! There are so many different projects to volunteer for and I’m excited to see what I can do this year! Feel free to contact me or approach me for any questions and/or ideas at OR in person if you see me on campus!

Ed Unwin (BSc in International Relations)

Hello, I’m Ed! I am a final year International Relations student. Like many people, last year was very difficult for me. However, volunteering was consistently the most rewarding part of my week and always gave me something meaningful to look forward to. I believe every student can benefit from volunteering experience, which is why I’m so glad to be a volunteering ambassador again this year!

Ananya Jain (LLB Laws)

Hello! My name is Ananya and I’m a third year Law student. My experiences with volunteering have allowed me to not only make a tangible difference in my community but have also been vital to my personal and career development, as a result of which I’m very excited to help empower students to volunteer for causes they are passionate about. Volunteering is a particularly rewarding activity in the context of the current pandemic, since it is a great exercise in community building and can help cope with feelings of inertia and helplessness. I do hope you will explore the range of volunteering opportunities available to you this year! Please feel free to reach out to me at if you have any ideas for campaigns you’d like to see us run, or have any questions about volunteering as a student at the LSE.

Have your ambassadors inspired you to volunteer already? Check out all of the volunteering opportunities you can get involved in on CareerHub! You can also book a one-to-one with David Coles, the Volunteer Centre Manager if you have more questions. And why not follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram to stay up-to-date with our events and opportunities and read our blog for more volunteering tips and stories.


About the author


Posted In: LSE Careers | Volunteer Centre

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