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Africa at LSE The latest expert analysis on African affairs, placing the continent at the heart of global debates
Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity Blog
British Politics and Policy at LSE is an award-winning blog, aiming to increase the public understanding of politics through accessible academic commentary and research.
Conflict Research Programme Understanding Violence and Political Markets in Africa and the Middle East
EUROPP – European Politics and Policy is a multidisciplinary blog providing expert commentary on European current affairs and coverage of the latest research across the continent.
The LSE Impact Blog is a platform for the discussion of all things relating to research impact and the effective communication of scholarly research across the social sciences and other disciplines.
The International Growth Centre aims to promote sustainable growth in developing countries by providing demand-led policy advice based on frontier research
LSE Latin America and Caribbean Expert analysis of the region’s politics, economics, and societies
Media@LSE Promoting critical research into the vital role of media and communications in contemporary society
LSE Middle East Centre Blog Latest thinking and research on the Middle East and North Africa from LSE
Religion and Global Society A research-led interdisciplinary blog that promotes an understanding of religion and its relevance in world affairs
LSE Review of Books the latest social science books reviewed by academics and experts
Social Policy Blog An International Perspective
South Asia @LSE – LSE’s engagement with South Asia
Women, Peace and Security Promoting gender equality, enhancing women’s security and economic, social, and political participation
LSE International Development – Social, political and economic transformation in the developing world