Welcome to the Conflict and Civicness Research Blog!
The Conflict and Civicness Research Group (CCRG) at LSE is one of the world’s leading centres for the study of conflict, peace and how communities within conflict affected societies can be empowered to participate in transitions to peace and human rights. The CCRG’s overarching objective is to assist scholars, policymakers and activists in rethinking how violence takes place across the world’s most intractable conflicts and in turn innovate policies that can empower communities in conflict to forge peace and human rights. The CCRG’s approach is rooted in civicness, which is a logic of public authority based on consent that is voluntarily generated through shared deliberative processes based upon norms and rules that value respect for persons. This includes practices that sustain integrity, trust, civility, inclusion and dialogue, and nonviolence. Unlike traditional approaches to the study of conflict, the CCRG extensively supports and collaborates with in-country research networks. This includes one of the most expansive networks of researchers in Syria, a feminist collective of researchers in Sudan, and the Bridge Network of South Sudanese researchers.
The CCRG is primarily grant financed, with projects that include support from the UK-Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)-funded Peace and Conflict Evidence Platform (PeaceRep), the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, James Anderson, and the Open Society Initiative.
To learn more about the Conflict and Civicness Research Group, our research framework, partners and publications, visit our website here.
You can also get in contact with us via email at ideas.ccrg@lse.ac.uk or on Twitter @LSE_CCRG
More information:
This blog was formerly known as the Conflict Research Blog (CRP) which was an international research programme led by LSE IDEAS at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). It aimed to explore the drivers of violence in the Middle East and Africa, and understand what kinds of interventions work to reduce armed conflict and its impacts. The CRP was funded by UK aid from the UK government from October 2017 to March 2021.
To learn more about the Conflict Research Programme, our research framework, partners and publications, visit our website here.
Note: The CCRG blogs gives the views of the author, not the position of the Conflict and Civicness Research Group, Conflict Research Programme, the London School of Economics and Political Science, or the UK Government.
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