Once upon a time Trevor was a happy child. But once this dreadful and incurable disease HIV/AIDS came into his life, his happiness was shattered. Trevor is a boy who lives in a small village. He is 13 years old and he is the only child in the family. His father died two years ago to AIDS, but managed to pass it on to Trevor’s mother. Trevor wakes up early every day to sweep the house and their compound. After that he will prepare porridge for his sick mother and feed her. He has no time to rest or play; soon he will wash the plates and clothes of both of them. He will later bathe his mother. The people of the community are not giving them much support. They do not even visit them because they fear they will get the virus. The children of the village run away from Trevor. If Trevor wants to play with the children, they will tease him. Trevor always comes home crying.
– Everline, age 12, Zimbabwe