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Equality and Diversity

May 20th, 2013

The week that was…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Equality and Diversity

May 20th, 2013

The week that was…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Highlights from last week’s equality and diversity news: gay marriage bill to return to the Commons for debate today, Peter Tatchell argues gay marriage bill does not live up to the aspiration of equality, and a new report claims vulnerable women are being disproportionately affected by government policies.

The gay marriage bill is back in the House of Commons later today set for a two day debate. One of the amendments being tabled is extending civil partnerships to heterosexual couples. The amendment doesn’t have the backing of the Equalities Minister Maria Miller who believes it is a “complicated distraction”. There is continued opposition from some Conservative MPs and activists.

Peter Tatchell, human rights campaigner, who has been  supporting and leading the gay rights movement, including the call for equal marriage, has written for the Guardian on why he thinks the gay marriage bill does not live up to the principle of equality. Tatchell argues that allowing civil partnerships for gay couples but not heterosexual couples is inconsistent in the same way as allowing marriage for heterosexual couples but not gay couples.

A report published by an umbrella organisation representing various women’s and human rights organisations claims that some of the most vulnerable women in society – including single mothers, those who are disabled or from minority ethnic groups – are bearing the brunt of government policies. Authors of the report, ‘Women’s Equality in the UK’, warned that further spending cuts would make things worse for women in the country. Vivienne Hayes, chief executive of the Women’s Resource Centre, said: “Evidence in our report raises serious questions about the UK government’s commitment to women’s equality. Austerity is not an excuse for discrimination.”

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Equality and Diversity

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