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Equality and Diversity

October 11th, 2013

How would you respond to these questions?

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Equality and Diversity

October 11th, 2013

How would you respond to these questions?

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Over the summer holidays, I caught up with some of my Indian friends. A discussion that came up repeatedly was about comments made to us that invariably highlighted our differences. These questions and comments often had no ready answers and we found some to be quite bizarre, writes Snéha Khilay

In no particular order here is the list of questions/comments and some responses that were given.

Comment: I think I must have been an Indian in my previous life.
Response: Have you been to India?
Comment: No.
Response: Do you interact a lot with the Indian community in UK?
Comment: Not really.
Response: So what makes you think you were Indian in your previous life?
Comment: I don’t know, I just feel it, maybe because I love yoga.

Comment: Do you know how to cook chicken tikka masala?
Response: No it is not part of my diet, I am a vegetarian. I am not from that part of India where chicken masala is the regional dish.
Comment: I so want to learn how to cook chicken tikka masala, are you sure you do not know how to cook it?

Comment: I am not racist, my best friend/neighbour/colleague is an Indian.
No Response. 

Comment: You are assertive for an Indian woman, what do your parents say?
Response: They think it is important for everyone to be respectful and assertive
Comment: That is so unusual; I always thought Indian women were brought up to be submissive.

Comment: Where do you live?
Response: I live in Hertfordshire.
Comment: Oh really, I know a Mr Patel who lives in Hertfordshire, do you know him?
Note: Hertfordshire has a population of over one million. Patel is ranked in the top ten of common surnames. It is so tempting to respond, yes I know him…..

Comment: My Indian friend Shilpa is…
Is it necessary to have a prefix of ‘Indian’ every time a reference is made to Shilpa?

Comment: I love Indian people; I wish I was an Indian…
How does one even respond to this comment?

Comment: I love your earrings (or necklace or blouse). they are so ethnic.
Question: Which ethnic group are you referring to?
Note: The definition of the word Ethnic: a) Of, relating to, or characteristic of a sizable group of people sharing a common and distinctive racial, national, religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage; b) Being a member of a particular ethnic group, especially belonging to a national group by heritage or culture but residing outside its national boundaries. Source: Online Dictionary

Comment: I love Bollywood actresses. They look so glamorous and exotic. I would love to marry one.
Response: I would love to marry George Clooney.

Comment: Do you wear saris?
Response: On special occasions.
Comment: How do you drive when you are wearing a sari?
Response: The way I always drive.

Comment: Were you born in India?
Response: No, I was born in Africa.
Comment: Oh so you are an African.
Response: No, I am Indian.
Comment: I thought you were born in Africa – does that not make you African?

Comment: You speak very good English.
Response: Thank you, so do you

Comment: I would love to have an arranged marriage.
Response: Have you tried dating agencies? Maybe I can ask my parents to introduce you to someone they know. 

Comment: What is your Christian name?
Response: I don’t have a Christian name because I am not Christian.
Comment: Yeah but England is a Christian country, so what is wrong in my asking you about your Christian name?

Comment: Do you speak Indian?
Response: I can speak three languages, including English. The national languages in India are Hindi and English. There are around 30 official languages. According to the Economist (February 2012), there are around 438 languages spoken in India. It would be like me asking you “Do you speak European?”

It is worth noting Oscar Wilde’s quote, “Questions are never indiscreet, answers sometimes are.”

SnehaSnéha Khilay is a diversity and leadership consultant/trainer. Snéha carries out consultancy and training on Diversity and Inclusion, Managing Diversity and the Law, Cultural Competency, Dignity at Work and Conflict Resolution. Snéha has published articles on diversity and leadership in Management Today, Start Your Business, Simply Business, Professional Manager, Change Board, People and People Management. Visit Snéha’s website at

About the author

Equality and Diversity

Posted In: Culture


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