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Equality and Diversity

November 14th, 2014

New equality and diversity sessions this term!


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Equality and Diversity

November 14th, 2014

New equality and diversity sessions this term!


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Want to learn more about equality and diversity and what it means in the workplace? There’s a range of equality and diversity sessions coming up for LSE staff in the next few weeks – make sure you book your place!

Equality and Diversity Awareness
Monday 24 November, 10am

The aim of this three hour workshop is to provide staff with an overview of the key equality and diversity issues, so they are able to recognise discriminatory practices within the workplace and are better equipped to promote good practice within the School.

Staff will be able to identify their own values and prejudices more clearly and work in diverse teams with greater awareness of the behavioural issues that may arise.

Fair Treatment and Respect for Managers
Friday 12 December, 10am

Everyone should be treated with dignity and respect at work.  Bullying and harassment of any kind are in no-one’s interest and should not be tolerated in the workplace. This interactive course is designed to effectively promote a culture of fair treatment and respect in the work-place and therefore reduce the number of cases in the first place. It helps managers prevent bullying and harassment and to deal with any cases that occur.

By the end of this course you will:

  • Define what is bullying and harassment
  • Know why managers need to take action
  • Have a summary of the key legislation
  • Help prevent bullying and harassment and deal with cases that occur
  • Consider your own behaviours and the importance of being a good role model
  • Have practical application and ‘safe environment’ practice

Fair Treatment and Respect for Staff
Friday 19 December, 10am

This interactive course explores the challenges when facing incidents of bullying or harassment and will highlight how clear, empathetic and adaptable communication can not only offer support to those dealing with such cases but also effectively promote a culture of fair treatment and respect in the work-place and therefore reduce the number of cases in the first place.  As well as drawing on various behavioural psychologies and communication models, the programme will also ensure that all employees are aware of both the legislative and corporate policies that are in place to protect them.

By the end of this course you will:

  • Know what is bullying and harassment – what does the law say and how does bullying feel like?
  • Know why and when can accusations of bullying or harassment happen?
  • Prevent negative behaviour – identifying potential risks and tools for personal protection
  • Consider communication and interaction at all levels – adapting personal approach to the situation
  • Know what you should do if you feel you are being bullied, if I am accused of bullying or see others being bullied?
  • Have practical application and ‘safe environment’ practice

About the author

Equality and Diversity

Posted In: Events

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