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Madhur Dixit

July 4th, 2024

Navigating the Consulting World: Insights from our alumnus Madhur Dixit


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Madhur Dixit

July 4th, 2024

Navigating the Consulting World: Insights from our alumnus Madhur Dixit


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, consulting is a dynamic and influential field, offering professionals a chance to drive impactful change across various industries.

To shed light on the intricacies of this career path, we had the privilege of interviewing Madhur Dixit (GMiM 2020), an Assistant Manager – Capital Markets Advisory at KPMG UK.

Madhur Dixit (Graduate of our Global Master’s in Management programme 2020)

1. What motivated you to pursue a career in consulting, and how did your time at LSE contribute to that decision? 

Madhur: My motivation to pursue consulting stems from a passion for solving complex problems, working on impactful projects, and interacting with diverse clients and talented colleagues.

During my time at the LSE, I was exposed to a rich environment of intellectual rigour and practical applications of management theories. The Global Master’s in Management program at LSE, with its focus on real-world business challenges and its exchange program with Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management, provided me with a comprehensive understanding of global business dynamics and solidified my decision to pursue consulting. The great thing about pursuing your master’s at such a prestigious university as LSE is that you build a lifelong network of like-minded people within an industry you are most interested in working in.

2. Could you share some insights into the skills and experiences that are most valuable for success in the consulting industry?

Madhur: Success in the consulting industry hinges on a blend of common sense and analytical, interpersonal, and leadership skills. I strongly believe the key skills to have, if considering a career in consulting, would be:

  • Analytical Thinking: The ability to dissect complex problems and develop data-driven solutions is crucial. Having a strategic mindset and a data-driven approach goes a long way in such situations.
  • Communication: Effective communication is crucial for presenting ideas clearly and convincingly not only to your work colleagues but also to senior client stakeholders including Steerco and executive committees.
  • Project Management: Managing timelines, resources, and teams efficiently is essential.
  • Team Collaboration: Working with cross-functional teams across different geographies requires effective collaboration and adaptability.
  • Client Relationship Management: Building and maintaining strong client relationships is vital. Excellent quality work and timely delivery, thus meeting client expectations regularly can enable consultants to build good client relationships. The next step on this is to keep this relationship warm. Never underestimate the power of maintaining strong client relationships even if you are not delivering projects for them at a given point.
  • Staying Abreast of Market Trends: Keeping up to date with market news is crucial. It helps in understanding clients’ pain points, enabling you to propose solutions that add value. This not only benefits clients but also fosters sustainable revenue and strong client relationships for the firm.

3. What are some common misconceptions about consulting careers that you’ve encountered?

Madhur: One common misconception is that consulting is solely about giving advice. Consulting involves much more, including detailed analysis, strategic planning, and hands-on implementation. Consultants work closely with clients to ensure that solutions are practical and sustainable.

Another misconception is that consulting is glamorous but not demanding. The truth is that while consulting offers exciting opportunities, it also requires hard work, dedication, long hours depending on client expectations, and a commitment to continuous learning and improvement. Although it requires all of this, consulting can offer a truly rewarding career to students.

4. Looking back, what do you wish you had known or done differently when starting your career in consulting, and what advice would you offer to students based on those insights?

Madhur: Reflecting on my career, I wish I had placed more emphasis on networking earlier. Building a robust professional network is invaluable in consulting. If I could advise students, I would emphasise the importance of:

  • Networking: Start building your network early. Attend industry events, join professional organisations, and connect with alumni. Networking can open doors to opportunities and provide valuable industry insights.
  • Continuous Learning: Stay curious and invest in continuous learning. The consulting industry evolves rapidly, and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies, such as AI, Quantum and ESG, can set you apart.
  • Seek Mentorship: Find mentors who can provide guidance, support, and constructive feedback. Mentors can help you navigate your career path and offer insights based on their experiences.
  • Build a 360-Degree View: Develop a comprehensive perspective on your work. Understand how different aspects of a project interconnect and influence each other. This holistic approach can enhance your problem-solving abilities and strategic thinking.
  • Embrace Failure: Don’t be afraid to fail and try new things. Each failure is an opportunity to learn and grow. Being open to experimentation and innovation is key to long-term success in consulting.

To conclude, we would like to thanks Madhur for his time and his precious insights.

About the author

Madhur Dixit

Graduate of the Department of Management's Global Master’s in Management programme 2020

Posted In: Career insights | The Student Lens

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