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Dania Akkad

October 1st, 2012

Syria Conference: The Videos

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Dania Akkad

October 1st, 2012

Syria Conference: The Videos

1 comment | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

With generous sponsorship from the RCUK’s Global Uncertainties Programme and the Centre for the Study of Democracy at the University of Westminster, the LSE MEC held Inside Syria: 18 Months On, a one-day conference on Syria on 20 September. Videos of the conference panels and keynote address are available below.

Panel 1 Inside the Regime: The Makeup of the Syrian Leadership, the Military and Shabiha, Business Networks and Alawis
The video begins with a welcome address from MEC Director Professor Fawaz Gerges
Chair: Professor Fawaz Gerges, LSE
Speakers: Dr Christopher Phillips, Queen Mary University; (Retired) Brigadier General Akil Hashem; and Ghayth Armanazi, Political Analyst and Former Arab League Ambassador

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Panel 2 Inside the Opposition: The Nature and Dynamics of the Various Opposition Groups and Movements, Focussing on those Inside Syria
Chair: Professor Madawi Al-Rasheed, King’s College London
Speakers: Rime Allaf, Chatham House; Suheir Atassi, National Council of the Damascus Declaration for Democratic Change; and Brian McQuinn, Oxford University/Centre on Conflict, Development and Peace Building

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Panel 3 Identity in Syria: The Complex Influence on Identity and Allegiance and how these May Affect the Course of the Struggle
Chair: Professor Sami Zubaida, Birkbeck College, University of London
Speakers: Professor Salwa Ismail, SOAS; Dr Abdelwahab El-Affendi, University of Westminster; and Dr Thomas Pierret, University of Edinburgh

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Panel 4 The War Era: Economic & Sociological Implications
Professor Fawaz Gerges, LSE
Speakers: Jihad Yazigi, Editor, The Syria Report, and Stephen Starr, journalist

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Keynote Address Lessons Learned: Taking Stock of the Opposition Journey
Chair: Professor Fawaz Gerges, LSE
Speaker: Professor Burhan Ghalioun, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle and Former Chairman of the Syrian National Council

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About the author

Dania Akkad

Posted In: Conferences | News & Events | Videos


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