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Arab-Israeli Conflict


  • Dr Ian Black (Expertise: Israel; Palestine; history of the Middle East)
  • Professor Fawaz Gerges (Islam and the political process; Islamist movements and jihadist groups; the Arab-Israeli conflict; state and society in the Middle East; American foreign policy towards the Muslim world)
  • Dr Aitemad Muhanna-Matar (occupied Palestinian territory; Tunisia; Egypt; Morocco; Yemen; Jordan; Lebanon; gender; radicalisation)
  • Professor Kirsten Schulze (Aceh conflict; Arab-Israeli conflict; Indonesian politics and security; Islamic groups; Israeli politics; Israeli security; Middle East peace process; free Aceh movement (GAM); regional conflicts in Indonesia; security sector reform)
  • Priscilla Toffano (Palestine; Middle East; conflict; macroeconomics)

Research Students

  • Haneen Naamneh (occupied Palestinian territory; Israel; law; human rights)

Contentious Politics


  • Dr John Chalcraft (Egypt; Lebanon; Middle East; Syria; guilds; hegemony; history from below; history; labour; migration; postcolonialism; social movements; transnationalism)

Democracy/Democracy Promotion


Diplomatic History




Research Students

  • Alaa Tartir (Department of International Development; Research: Governance without a State: Security and Economy Governance in Palestine: Fayyadism, Development and Aid Dependency, and State-Building)

Economic History

Research Students

  • Ulas Karakoc (Department of Economic History; Research: The growth and stagnation in the age of de-globalization: Reinterpreting economic history of Egypt and Turkey in the interwar period)

Environmental Policy


  • Dr Michael Mason (Department of Geography and Environment/Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment)



Research Students

  • Gustavo Barbosa (Department of Anthropology; Research: On Doing/Undoing Gender in Shatila, Lebanon: Becoming a Man under Institutional Violence)

Governance & State-Building

Research Students

  • Alaa Tartir (Department of International Development; Research: Governance without a State: Security and Economy Governance in Palestine: Fayyadism, Development and Aid Dependency, and State-Building)
  • Tobias Thiel (Department of International History)

Historical Sociology 


Research Students

  • Neil Ketchley (Government Department; Research: Interwar Islamic social and political activism (1912-1942): the trajectories, metamorphoses and legacies of early mass Islamic politics)

Human Rights


Research Students

  • Filippo Dionigi (Department of International Relations; Research: The Impact of international norms on Islamist movements: the case of Hezbollah)

International Development

Research Students

  • Alaa Tartir (Department of International Development; Research: Governance without a State: Security and Economy Governance in Palestine: Fayyadism, Development and Aid Dependency, and State-Building)



Research Students

  • Bryan Gibson (Department of International History; Research: American Foreign Policy and the Kurdish-Iraqi Civil War, 1961-1975)
  • Zeynep Kaya (International Relations Department; Research: Maps into Nations? Kurdistan, the ideal homeland of Kurdish Nationalism)

Law/Legal Theory

Research Students

  • Perveen Ali (Department of Law, LSE Centre for the Student of Human Rights, Refugee Law Initiative (School of Advanced Studies); Research: States in Crisis: Sovereignty, Humanitarianism, and Refugee Protection in the Aftermath of the 2003 Iraq War)
  • Hedi Viterbo (Department of Law; Research: The Legal Construction of Childhood in the Occupied Palestinian Territories)


Muslim Brotherhood


Research Students

  • Neil Ketchley (Government Department; Research: Interwar Islamic social and political activism (1912-1942): the trajectories, metamorphoses and legacies of early mass Islamic politics)


Research Students

  • Zeynep Kaya (International Relations Department; Research: Maps into Nations? Kurdistan, the ideal homeland of Kurdish Nationalism)
  • Nabila Ramdani (Deparment of International History; Research: British and American Foreign Policy: The Case of the 1919 Egyptian Revolution)
  • Laura Ryseck (Department of International History; Research: The search for national identitx in postcolonial- multi-communal states: the cases of Eritrea and Lebanon, 1941-1991)


Political Economy


Research Students

  • Ulas Karakoc (Department of Economic History; Research: The growth and stagnation in the age of de-globalization: Reinterpreting economic history of Egypt and Turkey in the interwar period)
  • Alaa Tartir (Department of International Development; Research: Governance without a State: Security and Economy Governance in Palestine: Fayyadism, Development and Aid Dependency, and State-Building)

Political Islam


Research Students

  • Filippo Dionigi (Department of International Relations; Research: The Impact of international norms on Islamist movements: the case of Hezbollah)
  • Neil Ketchley (Department of Government; Research: Interwar Islamic social and political activism (1912-1942): the trajectories, metamorphoses and legacies of early mass Islamic politics)


Research Students

  • Perveen Ali (Department of Law, LSE Centre for the Student of Human Rights, Refugee Law Initiative (School of Advanced Studies); Research: States in Crisis: Sovereignty, Humanitarianism, and Refugee Protection in the Aftermath of the 2003 Iraq War)
  • Gustavo Barbosa (Department of Anthropology; Research: On Doing/Undoing Gender in Shatila, Lebanon: Becoming a Man under Institutional Violence)

Renewable Energy


  • Dr Michael Mason (Department of Geography and Environment/Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment)

Social Movements

Research Students

  • Neil Ketchley (Government Department; Research: Interwar Islamic social and political activism (1912-1942): the trajectories, metamorphoses and legacies of early mass Islamic politics)
  • Tobias Thiel (Department of International History)



  • Dr Steffen Hertog (Department of Government; Research: comparative political economy, comparative politics of the developing world, Gulf and Middle East politics)

Research Students

  • Tobias Thiel (Department of International History)


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