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Charlie Beckett

February 23rd, 2009

Why Did Nobody See It Coming? Reporting The Crash -The Debate (Monday February 23rd)


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Charlie Beckett

February 23rd, 2009

Why Did Nobody See It Coming? Reporting The Crash -The Debate (Monday February 23rd)


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Join Evan Davis (BBC), Alex Brummer (Mail), Vince Cable MP (Lib Dems) Willem Buiter (LSE) and our chairman is Howard Davies (LSE) to debate how the media has covered the financial crisis, tonight in the Old Theatre, Houghton Street, LSE at 6.30pm.

It is free,but get there by 6.15pm because it is proving very popular. We have partnered with the Media Society on this one.


About the author

Charlie Beckett

Posted In: Research