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Maddie Giles

November 10th, 2020

Your Journey to LSE: Photo Competition


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Maddie Giles

November 10th, 2020

Your Journey to LSE: Photo Competition


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

We are excited to announce the winners of our Offer Holder Photo Competition! The competition was open to all students who held an offer to study in the Department of Sociology starting in September 2020. We received entries from students across a range of our Programmes.

Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry, we received a diverse range of entries on the topic of “Your Journey to LSE”.

First Place: Louis Norris (MSc Political Sociology)

“I spent 2019 living and working in Marseille. Observing the gilets jaunes demonstrations, camera in hand, introduced me to a perplexing marriage of localist, dissident thought with socially conservative values – plus some unaccoutably violent policing.”

Marseille, France

Second Place: Macarena Cano (MSc Human Rights) 

“It is all about chances. Before even thinking about coming to study at LSE and having completely abandoned the possibility given the new world circumstances (my chances had been reduced to zero) I bought a ticket to Budapest. While walking around town I stopped underneath this wheel of fortune, wondering if I had any.

A month later, back in Madrid, as I was venting out my thoughts on a piece of paper, chance appeared again and told me I should trust in her a little more. I was back again in that “wheel of fortune”, with chance by my side, buying a ticket and taking the ride to LSE. It’s all about chances, she told me.”

Budapest, Hungary

Third Place: Miles Parker Hirozawa (MSc Economy, Risk and Society)

“In 2020, sweeping social forces pull us in different, sometimes opposing, directions. New York, the city I hail from, has been struck by multiple crises: the COVID pandemic, and the crisis of confidence in our criminal justice institutions, among others. The significance of this moment made it a difficult decision to leave home to attend LSE.”

Atlantic Terminal, 5th Avenue & Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY USA


Submissions were judged anonymously by Faculty and Professional Services Staff from the Department.

About the author

Maddie Giles

Maddie is Communications and Events Manager in the Department of Sociology.

Posted In: Art | Student Voices

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