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LSE Internal Communications

May 26th, 2021

How to fit in downtime during assessments


Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

LSE Internal Communications

May 26th, 2021

How to fit in downtime during assessments


Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Whether you’re camped out at the Library or at your desk, it’s okay to enjoy some downtime. In fact, a walk, coffee break with a friend or just switching off for a while could give you a massive energy and motivation boost, but sometimes it can feel like there’s no time. Here’s how Student Futures Ambassadors include self-care in their routines to help them keep a balance.

Brendan, Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science:

“For self-care, I continue to take one day a week off from studying and job searching. I leave my neighbourhood and visit another part of London, often to eat something I saw on Instagram. Disconnecting completely from the grind of my dissertation really helps.”

Karla, Department of Government:

“What I’m doing for self-care is going for a walk to Tower Bridge while listening to music or a podcast. When the weather is nice, I go to Primrose hill, make a picnic for myself and read a book.”

Westri, Department of Accounting:

“I take some breaks in the middle of my routine by watching movies or practicing yoga. I also phone my family and friends for a quick catch-up and share stories.”

Gabbie, Department of Sociology:

“I like going to the gym to blow off some steam! Nowadays I also try to have my meals with a friend or two so that I don’t rush through eating and can talk about things other than school/work.”

Shruti, Department of Statistics:

“I make sure I have a well-balanced diet, adequate sleep and at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. After all, a healthy body breeds a healthy mind!”

Tallulah, Department of Government:

“I’m practicing self-care by making sure that I take a short break from my work every hour or so, maybe to listen to some music, make some food or go for a walk. This helps me stay focused and more productive overall!”

It’s a busy time, but you’ve got this. Visit for more wellbeing support and guidance.

About the author

LSE Internal Communications

Posted In: Finding a Balance

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