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November 6th, 2012

Job stress. Already?!


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


November 6th, 2012

Job stress. Already?!


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

My first month at LSE has passed and I am surprisingly positive. It’s mostly surprising to myself that I am positive because I usually get into all sorts of impossible administrative difficulties that taint my overall outlook. This time, however, things have gone rather smoothly. I attended the introductory meetings, I followed the steps to pick my courses and I attended them. All in all, it was a perfectly manageable month.

Having those basics down (knowing what courses to go to and where they are) I can now start worrying about other more fundamental things, i.e. who is going to hire me after my 12 months at the LSE? You might think that it’s too early to start worrying about that but people around me have already started applying.

So to make myself more employable I thought it would be a good idea to have my CV checked by the Career consultants the LSE has made available for its students. It’s a fantastic service and free for all students but booking an appointment is quite a struggle. At 9.30 the website opens for bookings for that day and at 9.35 all the available slots have already been booked. So after several disappointing tries I decided that I would sit behind my laptop and just click away like a madwoman at exactly 9.30. That strategy reaped its fruits.

Later that day I met with a friendly consultant who gave me some insightful CV and career tips. The majority of the things most people know but it gives a great feeling of security just to go over a cover letter or a CV with someone who is actually trained to fine-tune it.

Of course I still have no idea who will want to hire me but at least I have a whole Career Super Team (as I like to think of them) that can advise and grill me for the competitive job market. So as long as I don’t enter conversations with people more neurotic than myself I think my anxiety levels on whether I can get employed will be perfectly stable.


About the author


MSc Human Rights

Posted In: LSE

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