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November 18th, 2012

Why do I love London? Gee, I don’t know…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


November 18th, 2012

Why do I love London? Gee, I don’t know…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Maybe it’s because yesterday I had the most fun mini-adventure I’ve have ever had. And I make it a point to go on as many adventures as possible. Yesterday my friends and I went chasing after my favorite band, Swiss Lips all night. This is not something that I’m accustomed to–I have pretty much only inhabited suburbs, and it’s kind of hard to meet bands in that kind of setting. But yesterday, I met this guy:

The lead singer of my absolute favorite band. His name is Sam Hammond, and his dulcet tones produced this song: which has been keeping me happy for at least a year now. Not only did I get to meet one of my absolute idols (by chasing him down from party to party), but I actually have energetic and adventurous people to do it with me! The spirit of London is infectious.

The first party we went to was on Brick Lane. I was *thrilled* by the amount of Indian food that I found there. I had been to Brick Lane once before (for the Jack the Ripper walking tour…) and hadn’t had a chance to try out the different places. Yesterday, I went on a binge. Indian sweets and snacks are my absolute weakness.

Doesn’t everything look absolutely mouth watering? I’m going back today just to get more of the Lamb samosas. And probably some Gulab Jamun. And Rasmalai. Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll find kheer or payasam. And if it’s cold enough, I’ll find somewhere to down a hot chai!

Before we went Swiss Lips hunting, we went to a Szechuan restaurant called “Chilli Cool” on Leigh street. It was delicious. It’s possible that I’m only saying that because I have been craving Chinese food for so long, but I would definitely go back if I weren’t so hell bent on spending as little money on food as possible.

The service was a little bit stand-offish, but the food was great and it came really quickly. I didn’t see a single item on the menu that I didn’t want to try. We had this tofu dish–it looked kind of like a noodle soup– but the tofu had been cut into noodle-like ribbons and were stewing in a hot chili oil type of broth. It was phenomenal. However, I didn’t realize how hot it would be temperature-wise. My tongue will be recovering for a couple of days. We also had an aubergine dish and a chicken dish: Aubergine with red & green chop chilli and Deep fried chicken with hot chilli. Neither were too spicy, and they were both rich and flavorful. I would definitely recommend this restaurant (but with only one thumb up, due to the less-than-respectful service).

I’ll post again later this week, and while I’m in España later this week!


About the author


Gneral Course (Economics)

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