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January 30th, 2013

Frozen in London: My Urge to Run Outside and Play!


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


January 30th, 2013

Frozen in London: My Urge to Run Outside and Play!


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Snowflakes dance on my cheeks as I stroll across the park, wishing that I was heading anywhere but work. Though I absolutely love my job, I cannot help but want to exchange my pristine blazer for my threadbare hoodie so that I may frolic in the snow. I envision endless snowball fights and families of snowmen smiling from ear to ear. As I approach the school gates, I feel like a hypocrite knowing that I will have to prohibit the students from playing in the snow. Sometimes it is difficult to be the adult when all you want to do is act like the child. The sound of the school bell pierces my ears and drags me back to reality, kicking and screaming. The first announcement of the day explains to the students how all of the playground areas are now restricted because of the snow which only makes them want to play in it even more. I of all people can empathize. Then we begin our day with a prayer and dive right into the causation of the English Civil War. After hours of pretending to be the most mature person in the classroom, my work day finally comes to an end and I step outside to behold my winter wonderland but the snow has already melted. Perhaps another day, I tell myself, when the snow is fresh and there is time to play, I will make the biggest snowman of all, ten feet tall…just not today.

About the author


MSc Empires, Colonialism and Globalisation

Posted In: Off Campus

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