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March 19th, 2013

It’s Week 10!


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


March 19th, 2013

It’s Week 10!


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Where has time flown? It seems just like yesterday that I returned from Winter Break and we were beginning Lent Term and suddenly it’s week 10 and the term gets over this week. Where did the past couple of months go? And sadly, my answer mostly starts and ends with schoolwork with a couple of beyond books activities just to show that I am normal too.

Some of my key activities in the past term have been:

  • Regular readings. Yes! This term I managed to keep myself updated with all my readings. This could be due to the fact that I have a mountain of them to go through from Michaelmas term.
  • More readings. I managed to fit in a couple of extra readings as well. (Feel like success kid).


  • Stressing over formative essays. (Don’t they seem as scary as the summatives).
  • Worrying over summative essay feedback. (Didn’t feel so smart anymore while reading the feedback as I did while submitting it. I need to think more).
  • Stratford upon Avon: Visited Shakespeare’s land in typically cold and gloomy weather conditions. This included a two-hour wait at a deserted, spooky, cold train station while waiting for the train back to the city.
  • A supposed 9 mile hike in Surrey which we covered in muddy and slushy ground and probably skipped a couple of miles in the middle thanks to terrible sign posts and slightly misplaced map reading skills 😀
  • Thinking and analyzing summative essay topics.
  • And as of now, the last big thing, which currently is the Dissertation. It’s this big, dark shadow looming over our heads and demanding a lot of time and attention.

So sadly, that’s what the past term has been so far. The Easter break promises to bring with it lots of sunshine and hopefully, moments of fun 🙂

About the author


MSc International Employment Relations and Human Resource Management.

Posted In: LSE | Off Campus

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