The city I live in, Düsseldorf, in Germany, has a funny city symbol. Anywhere you go you can find pictures and sculptures of children doing cartwheels. The cartwheel symbolizes the hectic yet glorious moment when a war ended with Düsseldorf’s victory, giving it rights to establish itself as a city. Children started doing cartwheels on the streets to celebrate, showing the joy of life they felt after the war. This incident sort of symbolizes my situation as well: I got over the turbulent, tedious and annoying last years of high school, met my LSE offer, and am now living/celebrating the hectic yet joyful times in London. (Even though I don’t do cartwheels.)
Here is a list that shows how the first weeks of LSE/London put me, a helpless fresher, in various unimaginable (not just career-wise, well yes a BIT career-wise) situations:
- Wandering about Covent Garden and running into a Opera singer having a street performance session in front of the (we actually didn’t know it was there) Royal Opera House;
- Casually dropping by a consulting firm in the morning, finding myself translating/summarizing 500 PowerPoint slides on Samsung Galaxy S4’s new market strategy;
- Accordingly becoming an expert on consumer electronics, as I use an iPhone, being a typical Korean;
- Cooking (edible) meals that I wouldn’t normally eat at home;
- Munching on macaroons/cupcakes donated by my loving friends in the middle of the night;
- Doing grocery shopping and finding myself comparing prices of bread, fruit and other things that normally your mom would take into consideration;
- Saying hi to people from so many different countries, cultural backgrounds that make me feel awesome every day;
- Realizing that I have 5 hours of lectures and classes on Mondays.