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Selim Baek

February 19th, 2014

Behind the Scenes: LSE Annual Charity Fashion Show 2014…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Selim Baek

February 19th, 2014

Behind the Scenes: LSE Annual Charity Fashion Show 2014…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

I have been meeting some of the most interesting people at LSE.
As one of the models for the Annual Charity Fashion Show 2014 at LSE, I have been rehearsing, catwalking, attending fitting sessions and taking pictures for weeks. Then on the day before the Valentine’s day: boom! 26 models were on stage with lights, music and the runway all set up. The process entailed some rather unpleasant scenes of getting dozens of people in one place at the same time, making a mess in the backstage (where are my shoes/that dress/the body slip/the lipstick is wearing off). However, I found the whole process completely fascinating.
Image of the LSE Fashion Show Model Board
LSE Fashion Show Model Board
This is mainly because of how everyone involved in the show came from every corner of LSE- my choreographer was a second-year student studying government, some of the backstage girls were freshers who (just like me) started studying International Relations, and some models told me that they study Management. It is rather amusing that all of us, in various disciplines with different interest and goals, were tied together by one common factor: interest in fashion.
LSE Charity Fashion Show 2014 collage
LSE Charity Fashion Show 2014
From contacting designers and getting the catwalk right, the fashion show was something totally different from what I had  experienced at LSE. My daily life has been filled with the grey London landscape, countless lectures and classes, and never-ending reading lists that make your eyes water. Walking down a runway with blazing music and spotlights is such a nice break from your quotidian routine. Not only that, a huge pride in all the hard work other students have put in the show made it altogether an unforgettable experience.
What’s more- LSE made me discuss political philosophy (Rousseau’s social contract and concept of freedom-anyone?) the day after my short-lived stage fame. Oh, the joys of being in the middle of a packed, busy term…

About the author

Selim Baek

Posted In: LSE

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