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November 5th, 2014

Big Decisions and Myth Busting


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


November 5th, 2014

Big Decisions and Myth Busting


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Choosing LSE: Many Pros and Cons Lists Were Written

I’m a very nervous person; Worrying is one of my greatest talents. As is my nature, before making my decision, I had thought of (and panicked about) every possible reason that the LSE might not be the right place for me. I worried about everything from workload and stress, to meeting people or being lonely. My rational brain (with a little help from my mum) told me to stop stressing out and base my decision on the thing that mattered most to me: The Degree. The league tables and job prospects speak for themselves, and LSE was the clear choice for me to make. I was lucky enough to get the grades I needed to study BA Geography, so here we are.

I grew up in a small village in the middle of nowhere, and so city life is a bit of a shock to the system, in the best possible way. I can already tell studying geography in London is going to be so exciting; so much of the theory that we learn is illustrated on the streets of the city. Daunting as it may be, LSE’s campus is right in the middle of all of that action, and it really seems like the ideal location to study social sciences.

Myth Busters: Freshers Flu Exists

The first week at LSE for me was (and don’t cringe too hard at the cliché) a complete roller coaster. One minute I’d be walking past the London Eye to get to campus, with the biggest grin on my face; and the next, I’d want to chicken out completely and go home. This, as my parents have reminded me countless times on Skype, was happening to everyone, and things will settle down. Hopefully as time goes on I’ll feel more an more at home – although I doubt I’ll ever get over having the London Eye that close.

I’m not a big drinker (if I’m honest I’m a bit of a lightweight) but that didn’t stop me from having a lot of fun at the fresher’s events. The first night was insane, I shook hands and exchanged names with more people than I thought was possible. It was a really good chance to meet students from other halls, even if everyone was a bit too drunk to remember it… I still (just about) managed to make it to the welcome talks the following day, and I’m relieved to say I wasn’t the only one with a Starbucks and bleary eyes.

After the first few nights out of the week, I fell to fresher’s flu. Before going to uni, I was adamant that fresher’s flu was an elaborate myth created by hung over students; how wrong I was. Believe me when I say it exists, but its nothing that Lemsip and a good nap can’t cure.

About the author


Second Year BA Geography student. Follow my somewhat trivial thoughts through my time as a student in London.

Posted In: Student life

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