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Matthias Goh

October 29th, 2015



Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Matthias Goh

October 29th, 2015



Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Better late than never.

That was my mantra for the past week – my first week in London and LSE.

Yes, I was a late arrival. That meant I had missed 2 full weeks of lessons, and most regrettably, Welcome Week.

I was rather disappointed that I did not manage to experience London life through the eyes of a “carefree” tourist; every moment was a race to settle administrative issues the second I had touched down in Heathrow. Before I knew it, I was a student again. And of course, things did not slacken after Registration. There were clubs and societies to be checked out, more administrative matters, and of course, friends to be made.

My first week in LSE – even Europe – was over in a blink of an eye. Did I, in the midst of all my busyness, enjoy it? Truthfully, yes.

I had never felt more alive this past week. Many locals and fellow Singaporeans alike likened my present awe for this city and institution to a fleeting blissful dream – one that would most definitely be shattered in the near future. Until then, would it not be wasteful to not revel in the beauty in front of me now?

Yet, it must be said that I am already missing home.

I miss the sun. Singapore is both blessed – and cursed – to have the sun scorching bright throughout the year.

I miss the food. Oh how I miss the availability, variety and affordability of “the one thing needful” back in that tiny red dot.

I miss my friends. Socialising is my drug; friendships are covenants. The decision to temporarily leave my friends behind was one of the hardest I had to make. The idea of heading to LSE alone sure was daunting.

I do miss so much more, but above all, I miss my home. For it is where my daily battles were fought, and where my family resides. “Home is where the heart is”; how did I manage to pry my heart away from the comforts of my home?

Life passes us by just so quickly. You might have heard this phrase countless times, but this short experience revealed to me once again just how much we should treasure our loved ones and possession now. I guess this revelation came a tad too late, since I am already in London for the year. Till next year, then.

As they say, better late than never.

About the author

Matthias Goh

Join me in my journey as I #occupyallstreets

Posted In: London life

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