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Lea Musisi

December 7th, 2015

The infinite to do list


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Lea Musisi

December 7th, 2015

The infinite to do list


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Since this is my first blog post  (despite my account being created at least a month ago) I thought it only fitting to write about why it has taken me so long to write a post. Keeping up with my to do list!

It is definitely no exaggeration when you are told that at University you will not have time to do everything, let alone at LSE where the workload is even higher than most places!

As someone who considers myself fairly organised, I tend to plan my day with a list of things I would like to get done.

This is a general template of what my to do list has consisted of during most of October and November:
1) prepare for upcoming classes
2) read the slides of any lectures you may have missed
3) book office hours with teachers to discuss completed essays
4) write first blog post
5) check full list of societies and join some more
6) check out  ‘campus church’ service

Most of the time I only get number 1 and half of number 2 done, and then move onto something else going on that grabs my attention. For example I’ll get a notification from Facebook about an event that my friends are ‘interested in’ happening on campus which just so happens to interest me at the same time…and so what do I do? Regardless of whether it’s a protest, debate or themed club night, I  add it to the list!

Just this week there have been two events relating to the Human Rights Act and its possible replacement with a Bill of Rights (how could you not be interested!?)

So I stretch my to do list to make room for even more things. Might I also add that even though I’ve been on the basketball team for over a month I haven’t had time to play a single match because of the length of my to do list! So accordingly, playing (and winning) a match has also been added to the list!

I would like to emphasis that I love having a busy schedule. Even though it is not always possible to get everything done, the point is that there’s so much to do that the day never truly feels wasted. LSE is most definitely not just a place of academic study. They truly do everything that they can to get you involved in what you’re interested in.
Even during writing this post I’ve received an email invitations about the screening of a documentary on the effects of the US ‘War on Drugs’ on incarceration, followed by several academics and special speakers. Seeing as this has caught my eye and is run by the Penal Reform Society, this could link back to number 4 on my to do list!
Anyway to sum things up, we’re coming towards the end of the Michaelmas term, and I am only just writing my first blog post. However I’m not upset about this (even though I’ve missed out on blogger of the month twice!) because it hasn’t been due to me napping all day or doing additional reading every hour of the day.

I can honestly say I ‘ve made good use of my time!
(though I should really get around to booking some office hours with my teachers!)

About the author

Lea Musisi

Posted In: Student life

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