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Fengfang Zhang

March 4th, 2019

Fresh Off the Boat from Singapore

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Fengfang Zhang

March 4th, 2019

Fresh Off the Boat from Singapore

0 comments | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Where I come from, the weather is nothing like London. The tropical heat is intense all year-round and humidity clings onto you like a second skin. In a freak weather occurrence last year, the temperature dropped to 22 degrees Celsius and people swapped their usual shorts and slippers for a winter coat. Yes, I’m from Singapore, the country that is often cited as a textbook example of an outlier. Typically Chinese, I came to London armed with a rice cooker.


I should have honestly brought more daily necessities along with me. Singapore is famous for its’ high cost of living, but London is even more frightfully so. For instance, I tried to find a pair of bathroom slippers to no avail. I was not aware that Primark sold slippers for less than a pound even in winter. My friends still laugh at me till this day for buying a pair of pink slippers that scream ‘London’ all over from a tourist souvenir shop. Tragically, they were 7 pounds, I could have gotten a meal from the Wasabi across from LSE or two Co-op meal deals.

I’m currently residing in LSE Rosebery Hall and the room is a tad smaller than Bankside, but the upside is not having to brave the icy winds across the bridge on my way back home. Perhaps I came to London to study the perils of perpetual rain, sub-par Chinese buffets and the Spring Week madness.

No, I’m a BSc Politics student, taking Economics modules. I wanted a taste of independent living and to learn more from famous professors! I studied a little history and politics back in Singapore but oh boy, slang like ‘Tories’ and ‘Whigs’ are bewildering for somebody who has never studied British Politics in depth.

I’m just a first year trying to dabble in a little of everything – like the entrepreneurship competition organised by LSE in collaboration with other London universities, picking up German offered at the LSE Language Centre and learning basic coding that happens in Clement House.

University life in London can be quite isolating but I hope the writing of a clumsy girl brings you some respite in the midst of all the rush. Hopefully, you will find a kindred spirit in a girl who drifts in and out of self-imposed ‘austerity’ for the health of her wallet! Any tips for a decent and affordable meal near school? For a start, I shall share with you one of my favourite Korean eateries – Seoul Bakery. Despite its’ name, it doesn’t sell any bread, but authentic Korean food. The vegetable Gimbap is under 5 pounds! Be warned – there are only 14 seats and it’s really popular, do go early to avoid the long waiting time!

About the author

Fengfang Zhang

While low-key waiting for the day we establish contact with aliens, I can mostly be found googling for "decent and affordable food near LSE".

Posted In: Featured | Student life

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