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May 8th, 2019

Staying active and healthy at university


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


May 8th, 2019

Staying active and healthy at university


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

It’s 11pm and you’ve just started writing up your essay due in tomorrow. You whip out your packet of chocolate digestives you picked up from Waitrose earlier on your way back home and crack on with your essay. Three hours later you’re typing up your last sentence; you’re done with your essay but you’re also done with half your packet of biscuits. You’re relieved you’re done with your essay but the skinny jeans you’ve laid out beg to differ. I’m pretty sure we can all relate to late nights, junk food and an influx of deadlines. Being at uni can get stressful sometimes, and that’s no secret. But it’s so important to take care of your wellbeing. As cliché as it sounds, good mental health is the very thing that will get you through the tough days. Most of my friends have gym memberships, but I’ve never been much of a gym bunny. I found out that it really does cost nothing to look and feel like Beyonce at LSE – there are easy and FREE ways to stay healthy and active, and I had to share them with everyone.


1. Sign up for YourLifestyle at the SU

Source: LSE Student’s Union

So if you don’t already know, the Student’s Union runs this amazing programme called Active Lifestyle; you basically pay £15 each term and that gets you unlimited access to fitness classes throughout the week. The YourLifestyle programme started this Lent term as a way to get students to be involved with taking care of their wellbeing; it basically gets you access to all the Active Lifestyle classes for FREE. That’s right, it costs absolutely nothing to get your Zumba groove on. I found it a great way to let loose and meet new people. Below is a sample of their class calendar and as you can see, there is a lot available!


2. Go for Weekly Parkruns

If you love the outdoors like I do, you don’t want to miss out on a free weekly timed 5km every Saturday morning. Yes, I guess that means having to wake up a little before your housemates. But we’re in 2019, it’s no longer cool to be a night owl. I’ve really enjoyed getting up early and working towards that new 5k personal best. I can guarantee that you’ll meet some of the loveliest people there as well.


3. Walk to Campus

When is the last time you hit that 10,000 steps a day minimum? I’ve noticed that walking to campus is a great way to clear my mind and an easy way to get those steps in. I can’t think of a better and easier way to get some really easy cardio in. Plus it saves you money on Tube fare. Let’s face it, no one likes cramming in with a bunch of sweaty people. I’d much rather get myself a latte with that money I just saved from walking. I know it might not be the most feasible option for everyone since some of us don’t live near campus, but it’s good to get out for some fresh air whenever you can. I can’t say no to a walk around London!


About the author


Working towards a career in the legal industry, and I drink a lot of tea.

Posted In: Featured | Off Campus | Student life

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