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February 28th, 2020

Five months at LSE: What have I learned so far?

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


February 28th, 2020

Five months at LSE: What have I learned so far?

0 comments | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

As an individual, I am big on monthly reflections to keep track of my progress and goals. So recently, I did a collective one to celebrate five months at LSE. Just analyzing it was a tad bit emotional because so much has transpired in the last few months –– both academically and personally.

I see a significant difference in how I approach my studies; focusing more on quality over quantity. I like to do my readings with a critical understanding rather than doing it just for the sake of it. Moreover, I try to apply the learnings in the practical world and gain a holistic comprehension of the subject. Beyond this, I also realized the significance of doing specific academic topics that genuinely interest and excite me (trust me, there is absolutely no point in doing something that bores you to death). For example, I work on essay topics for which there is a genuine curiosity. This process allows me to question more, think about the same idea in a novel way and provide concrete solutions.

Beyond this, I have had the incredible opportunity to grow so much personally. This comes in the form of maintaining a stable routine, channelling my energy in constructive activities and giving utmost importance to my mental well-being. There’s less stressing and happier living. There’s more problem-solving than pessimism. There’s more smiling than crying.

Out of all these learnings, the most important has been living in the moment. ‘Carpe Diem’ was just a fun quote I knew, never fully applying it into my heavy academic life. But now I do understand it completely. Living this quote meant whole-heartedly enjoying the present. Yes, the future is important but not so much that you give up on this beautiful moment which will never come back. So enjoy your readings, laugh with your friends, taking delight in the picturesque London skyline, breath in the fresh air, smile at cute dogs, relish your delicious food and don’t forget to do a little happy dance in the morning shower.

The last five months have been challenging and exciting at the same time. But to be honest, I really can’t wait to learn and grow more over the next two terms, whilst of course living in the present moment wisely.


About the author


Hey, lovely folks! I’m Sahima from India. At the moment, I am doing my master’s in International Relations from LSE. Most of the time, you will find me reading a book at the nearby cosy library. My favourite pieces of literature include The Great Gatsby, Dubliners and The Kite Runner. If I am not busy studying or debating over International Affairs, then I’ll be binge-watching Friends or The Office.

Posted In: Student life

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