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March 30th, 2020

Preparing for exams


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


March 30th, 2020

Preparing for exams


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

As Lent Term comes to a close, the exams looming on the horizon are closer than ever.  It can feel overwhelming if you have quite a few different summative assignments to do, but here are a few tips I’ve picked up from my time as an LSE student that could help you get through exam season:

1. Get organized – Before I even think about starting to study, I need to organize myself; my thoughts, my notes, and important dates to keep in mind for each of my courses. I do this by transferring all my handwritten notes into word documents, downloading any study materials or study guides, and writing all my due dates and exam dates down in my planner.

2. Pace yourself – If you know that you’ve got quite a long to-do list, try not to wait until the last minute. I know it’s easier said than done, but if you can start revising early enough you won’t feel so stressed when it gets close to exam days.

3. Find a good study spot (or two) – Once you’ve sorted out your study schedule, the next step is to figure out a spot that you can be productive. Depending on the type of environment you focus the best in, that could be the library, your room, a café, or some combination of those places.

4. Revise with friends – If you’re lucky and end up having classes with some of your friends, take advantage and share notes, study guides, and ideas. I love revising with friends and find that if I don’t understand a concept, talking it out with other people always helps me understand it and remember it better.

5. Check out LSE LIFE– LSE offers a range of opportunities to improve your study skills, review essays, and become a better student. I subscribed to their email newsletter and look forward to receiving their emails to see what they’ve got going on each week.

6. Believe in yourself! – Once you’ve finished studying, be confident in your revision and go into your exams believing you are going to do well! After all, you’ve gotten this far and that is no easy task!

About the author


My name is Brianna and I'm currently a master's student studying international social and public policy.

Posted In: News | Study: Masters | Study: PhD | Study: Undergraduate

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