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July 14th, 2020

My MSc at LSE: A Reflection


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


July 14th, 2020

My MSc at LSE: A Reflection


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

I can’t believe that I’m so close to the end of my program – it turns out it does go as quickly as everyone tells you it will. For anyone considering pursuing a master’s degree at LSE, I definitely recommend.

The energy that buzzes throughout LSE is that of hundreds of intelligent students and professors keen on making a difference in their field. In the heart of one of the most global cities in the world, being at LSE feels like you have your finger on the pulse of London.

A movie-esque combination of old and new – from the Old Curiosity Shop to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the Centre Building – campus could not be more welcoming. Whether it’s a spot of grass on Lincoln’s Inn Fields or a couch in your department’s common room, you always have a place at LSE.

Don’t feel discouraged if you receive less than what you’d want on a formative or summative assignment, they’re given to us so we can learn to be better. And make sure that you always remember that you belong at LSE, even if you feel that others are more experienced or knowledgeable about your program.

And if there’s one piece of advice that somehow seems to sneak its way into most of my blog posts, it is to take advantage of everything LSE has to offer. The people, the resources, the course readings, and its location in London – it’s a one of a kind place that I feel lucky to be a part of.

About the author


My name is Brianna and I'm currently a master's student studying international social and public policy.

Posted In: Applying: Masters | Student life | Study: Masters

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