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Grant Golub

September 1st, 2020

A Beautiful Day in Richmond Park


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Grant Golub

September 1st, 2020

A Beautiful Day in Richmond Park


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

In one of my recent posts, I talked about large outdoor spaces in London you can enjoy if you need a breath of fresh air while trying to maintain social distancing during COVID-19. Specifically, I mentioned Richmond Park, an expansive and wonderful park and nature reserve in southwest London. Well, over the bank holiday weekend, I decided to follow my own advice and head out there with my partner and some friends.

When we arrived, we discovered there were a lot more people there than we anticipated, but there was nothing to worry about in terms of being too close to other people. Like I said, there is plenty of space at Richmond Park! But, it seems like many others had the same idea we did: the weather is starting to cool down in London and it is a good time to take advantage of it. Richmond Park is a perfect place to visit in the late summer and autumn.

For our adventure there, we were in for a special treat. As many know, Richmond Park is home to a very large deer population, and when we were there, they were fully out in the open and enjoying themselves. We saw dozens of deer laying together in large groups in the open fields or playing together amongst the trees. In some cases, they got exceptionally close to us or other humans! It was such a sight to see and it is one of the best parts of taking a trip to Richmond Park. Seeing deer in this semi-natural environment up close is a very unique experience that is unlike seeing them in a zoo or a more controlled area. I cannot overstate how fantastic it is to roam around the park and see deer everywhere. It makes you feel like you’re not in London for a time being and you’re out on the countryside.

For the rest of the afternoon, we explored the park and received an excellent tour from one of our friends who grew up in the area. He led us on a great path that allowed us to hit all of the highlights. Sometimes when you’re walking for hours, you start to feel it, but for us, time flew by, and I mean that in the best way possible. It was an afternoon very well spent.

If you’re reading this and in London now, I highly recommend you head out to Richmond Park and enjoy it. If you will be arriving in London soon, see what I mean for yourself.

This post was written in late August 2020. Please consult the UK government website for the latest coronavirus guidance.

About the author

Grant Golub

My name is Grant Golub and I'm a PhD candidate in the Department of International History at LSE. My research focuses on US foreign relations and grand strategy, diplomatic history, and Anglo-American relations.

Posted In: London life

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