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April 21st, 2021

Looking For Part-Time Paid Work? Become an LSE Student Vlogger

2 comments | 5 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


April 21st, 2021

Looking For Part-Time Paid Work? Become an LSE Student Vlogger

2 comments | 5 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

If you’re looking for something exciting and creative to take part in during your time at LSE that is also a part-time paid opportunity, why not get involved in student vlogging!

If you’re interested about what’s involved, we recently asked our current student vloggers about what it’s like being an LSE student vlogger, how they found out about the opportunity and more! Plus check out their vlogs on student life as an LSE student.

Monika, MSc Human Resources and Organisations

Find more vlogs from Monika here.

Check out Monika’s vlog on a day in the life of a Master’s student ☝

How are you finding the role?

I love it! Creating videos for LSE is always an enjoyable process where I can express my creativity. I also see value in what I do because I try to make content that will inspire and inform the future generation of students. In a way, you are a voice of LSE in your videos, with which students can identify. Few prospective students even contacted me because of my videos asking further questions about LSE life. So I am so happy that I can be helpful to others through this role. Moreover, it is an ideal job to do during studies. You have no deadlines, no requirements. Everything depends on your time and preferences.

What was the application process like?

I noticed that LSE is searching for new vloggers in [the] LSE newsletter that prospective students are getting during summer and September before their studies start. I sent an email expressing my interest in the role, filmed [a] 2 minutes test video and filled the form with details about me and my experience with filming and editing and why I am interested in the role. Overall it was [a] smooth process, not too time consuming either.

What does the role consist of?

Filming and editing videos about whatever you want regarding LSE. And as was said, you can do only as much as your time and energy allows, no deadlines or rules. So you can really do it for fun, which is what I love!

What skills have you developed?

I got better at editing videos. Which is great, because that was one of my goals for [the] year 2020. I also found out that it is not as easy as it looks like to talk to the camera about something without stuttering and pauses. Even though you have prepared what you want to talk about!

Do you recommend the role?

100%! 😊


Emma, BSc Sociology

Find vlogs from Emma here.

Check out Emma’s vlog on 10 unusual things to bring to student Halls☝

How are you finding the role?

It has been a challenge to be a student vlogger during a year of online teaching. However, it has been something that inspired me to be creative and made me look at my student experience from a different perspective.

What was the application process like?

I really enjoyed the application process, as you had to produce your first video. It enabled me to find out whether this is something I would enjoy doing and if I can frame my stories to be relevant for others.

What does the role consist of?

You are expected to film and edit 3-4 short videos for LSE’s YouTube channel throughout a year.

What duties/opportunities are involved?

There are many opportunities to be included in official videos for LSE and you can use your platform to showcase other students and societies.

What skills have you developed?

I was able to learn a new editing software and brush up on my editing skills thanks to being a student vlogger. I think my communication and story-telling skills have also improved.

Do you recommend the role?

I think if you are interested in storytelling, like to edit videos, and have a desire to share your experience with fellow students, the student vlogger position is for you!


Saemi, MSc Media and Communications

Watch more of Saemi’s vlogs here.

Watch Saemi’s vlog on how to succeed at LSE 

How did you find the role?

Even long before I got my acceptance letter from the LSE, I had watched all the student vlogs on the official LSE YouTube channel because I wanted to get up-to-date information on student life in general, student accommodation, what to bring, and how to prepare myself academically before starting a new chapter of life in London. I knew I wanted to apply to serve as a student vlogger because I wanted to make sure that I make a video specifically about Butler’s Wharf, the graduate student only accommodation hall that was missing in the LSE YouTube channel.

What was the application process like?

In early September, I saw an ad stating that the school was looking for student vloggers. So, I e-mailed the contact info provided on the ad, expressing my interest, not knowing that it was a paid job because I initially thought being a student vlogger was some sort of an honorary position.

I was asked to make a less than 2-minute video using phones or cameras on one of the three subjects: your hometown, why you chose LSE, or your favourite hobby or sport, then upload the video unlisted on YouTube or send them a link or upload via WeTransfer.

What does the role consist of?

We are expected to create 4-6 short videos over three terms. You can pitch creative ideas for your videos and collaborate videos with fellow student vloggers as well. But generally, topics cover student life, studying at LSE, day in the life, etc.

What duties/opportunities are involved?

Duties include coming up with content ideas, filming, editing, naming the video, having meetings with the marketing coordinator, Thuy, who will give feedback to you on the draft video, making final edits, and submitting it. As a student vlogger, you will have opportunities to work with some interesting projects that the school designs and meet with prospective students (although this year was harder to do collaborative work due to COVID-19).

How are you finding the role?

I genuinely like working as a student vlogger because first, it allows me to keep my artistic and creative side alive during the very hectic academic year. Working on something completely different from your everyday schoolwork can be a very joyful activity. Secondly, you can be flexible with work hours and due dates. Some terms, you simply won’t get as many videos done because you have too much schoolwork. You can schedule your own time around your academic schedule and be flexible with how much work you want to give yourself. And as a full-time student, having a flexible job is very important as there will be times that you struggle with multiple academic deadlines and you do not want to overcommit yourself.

What skills have you developed?

As much as you are challenged to develop critical, analytical skills at LSE, you can also develop very creative, strategic imagination skills through jobs like this. As you create more videos, you start to understand how to effectively deliver your message in less than 5 minutes and you learn how to be succinct, precise with your verbal presentation, which is a great skill to have with any positions you may apply in the future. You become a great storyteller.

Do you recommend the role?

If you are a creative like me, then yes! I definitely recommend this role. It’s been an absolute pleasure to work with the Student Marketing and Recruitment team at the LSE and especially Thuy, the Marketing Coordinator, who is not only a great leader and supporter to student vloggers, but also just a fantastic person to work with!


Daniella, MSc Media and Communications

Watch more of Daniella’s vlogs here.

Watch Daniella’s vlog on starting on the LSE dissertation 

What was the application process like?

The application process included filling out an interest form explaining why I wanted the role and any experience I had with vlogging or video production. The process also involved sending a sample video to show my level of comfort in front of a camera as well as my editing skills. The form gives you the chance to explain what your goals are and what you hope to get out of the position while producing the sample video gives you a sneak peek at what the workload looks like once you are in the position.

What does the role consist of?

The role consists of planning, filming, and editing video diaries about student life at LSE. You get to come up with the topics for the videos and collaborate with the LSE team to find the most engaging way to tell that story. Then you get to film the video and capture what you think best visualizes what you want to say. Then you edit the videos and work with the team to get feedback to make your video the best it can be. It requires a lot of creative thinking, flexibility, and collaboration.

What duties/opportunities are involved?

In this position, you have the freedom to recommend the topics you want to cover so it gives you the chance to be creative and share your personal perspective on your time at LSE. It is a great opportunity to engage with LSE and London and share all the hard-earned knowledge you have gained along the way.

How are you finding the role?

I have had so much fun in this role. Every time I do something exciting at LSE, I immediately start thinking about how I can incorporate it in one of my videos so I can share it with everyone. It feels great to get paid to do something that is genuinely enjoyable and it’s truly rewarding to know that I can potentially help a future student on their way to applying to and attending LSE.

What skills have you developed?

I had some previous experience in video editing, but this position gave me the chance to practice being in front of the camera. It has been an exciting experience that has helped me move past the cringe-worthy feeling I used to get seeing myself on camera. It also pushed me to expand my skills and learn more about different editing styles, techniques, and software so I could make sure every video was better than the one before it.

Do you recommend the role?

I absolutely recommend the role. It gave me the chance to develop my skills as a content creator while also getting to document my time at LSE. It is going to be fun to be able to look back at all my videos and not only see how my skills progressed but also how much fun I had at LSE and how much I was able to accomplish during my time there.


Student vlogging is a great way to be creative and pursue your interests outside of your studies at LSE! If you’re starting at LSE and want to be a student vlogger, keep an eye out in student/offer holder newsletters for more information. In the meantime, check out more vlogs from past and present LSE students.

About the author


Posted In: Careers | Student life


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