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May 3rd, 2022

Work experience as an undergraduate anthropology and law student


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


May 3rd, 2022

Work experience as an undergraduate anthropology and law student


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Work experience must always be tailored to your interests and is often encouraged. For example, vacation schemes are integral for those doing law to secure training contracts. However, taking an organised and laid-back approach can help take the overwhelming pressure off especially when we can sometimes fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. Here are some ways I chose to find work experience suited to my preferences.

Joining society group chats

Being in one or many group chats allows you to keep up to date with events as many members can be ambassadors or representatives, sharing information on events you may be interested in a direct manner. These events range from informal educational events to conferences and talks.


Departmental emails from your course such as Convene for law students can offer masterclasses and seminars. Course leaders also tend to regularly forward emails that may be of interest to students and are often interesting as they may involve, for instance, an international aspect or volunteering opportunity.

Career Hub

Making sure I was signed up to CareerHub opened me up to a wide range of opportunities from helping people to type up documents to micro-internships with corporations. Similar to LinkedIn having stored all of your experience, applying to jobs just becomes so much easier.

LSE Changemakers

If you enjoy analysis, this research-based experience is more relaxed. It invites you to take on a role in researching and gives you the chance to even be funded by LSE or take part in an ongoing research project. This is particularly useful for those studying Anthropology and Sociology.


Programmes aimed to either fast-track you or guide you into a specific sector can be useful, providing you with a mentor, workshop, insights, and placements such as Pathways to Law Plus or recruitment agencies.

About the author


Hi, I'm Rosa, a second-year Anthropology and Law student who lives in London. I'm an aspiring solicitor as well as an Anthropology enthusiast.

Posted In: Careers

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