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December 9th, 2022

Life as a New Yorker in London


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


December 9th, 2022

Life as a New Yorker in London


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

I’ve always thought of London as a city that has it all.

Great food, film, shopping, and history. Choosing to move here was a no-brainer, but I was still sceptical of whether it would actually fit my expectations. As a native New Yorker, I wasn’t certain that any other city could beat the efficiency or culture of that city. Luckily, after spending a few months as an official resident, that scepticism is gone, and I can honestly say that London is a cultural haven with tons of great opportunities. I could list a plethora of reasons for enjoying this city, but I’ll simply mention my favourite things about London. 


As a native New Yorker, I grew accustomed to the public transportation available in New York City and expected something pretty similar in London. To my surprise, London public transport beats out the best transportation that the United States has to offer. Daily commutes are incredibly efficient due to the timeliness and availability of the underground and bus systems. On top of that, some trains and buses can take you to other parts of the UK in less time than it takes to watch an episode of your favourite TV show. This is incredible for someone like me who loves to explore some of the smaller cities and towns that this country has to offer. Lastly, London is obviously a hub for getting to so many other international cities. Whether you choose to take the Eurostar or fly out of one of the six airports in the city, you’ll be thankful that you live in a city that’s so connected to other parts of the world. 

Activities and opportunities 

As I mentioned, public transport is incredible for my daily commute, but it’s also come in handy for exploring all that the city has to offer. If there is one thing about London, it’s that you’ll never run out of things to do. This city has activities that anyone would enjoy including a bustling theatre district in the West End, tons of shopping in areas like Kensington or Oxford Circus, and some of the most beautiful parks spread throughout the city. Since I’ve gotten here, every weekend has been filled to the brim with plans to check out a new museum or show. Even when I don’t have plans, I find myself stumbling on some hidden gems like a market I never knew existed or a new pop-up shop. If you’re someone that gets bored easily and wants a city that’s always entertaining – London is a great bet! 

Culture and people

One thing I was scared about when moving abroad in my 20s was the fact that I would have to grow accustomed to an entirely new culture. My absolute favourite part of London is the fact that its culture is so diverse. Seriously. Anyone could find some comfort here, whether it be in the form of food that you’re familiar with or a cultural celebration that’s native to your nation. Not to mention, if you are looking to get out of your comfort zone and meet people from different backgrounds, then London is the perfect place to explore. Anywhere you go, you’ll hear languages and accents from around the world. I’ve found that people here are also incredibly excited to share about their culture, so there’s always lots to learn for anyone open. 

As you can see, London has not disappointed me. I was looking for a city that was efficient, entertaining and full of culture – and found all of that and more! 

About the author


My name is Lola Idowu, a master’s student from New York, studying Behavioural Science. Aside from my interest in human behaviour, I also love to read, try out new restaurants, and shop at local markets or boutiques.

Posted In: London life

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